
type Interface

type VirtualServer

type ServiceFlags

const FlagPersistent

const FlagHashed

const FlagSourceHash

// Equal check the equality of virtual server.
// We don't use struct == since it doesn't work because of slice.
func (svc *VirtualServer) Equal(other *VirtualServer) bool {}

func (svc *VirtualServer) String() string {}

type RealServer

func (rs *RealServer) String() string {}

// Equal check the equality of real server.
// We don't use struct == since it doesn't work because of slice.
func (rs *RealServer) Equal(other *RealServer) bool {}

// IsRsGracefulTerminationNeeded returns true if protocol requires graceful termination for the stale connections
func IsRsGracefulTerminationNeeded(proto string) bool {}