
// getLine returns a string containing the file and line number of the caller, if
// possible. This is useful in tests with a large number of cases - when something goes
// wrong you can find which case more easily.
func getLine() string {}

var objectOrder

// sortNFTablesTransaction sorts an nftables transaction into a standard order for comparison
func sortNFTablesTransaction(tx string) string {}

// diffNFTablesTransaction is a (testable) helper function for assertNFTablesTransactionEqual
func diffNFTablesTransaction(expected, result string) string {}

// assertNFTablesTransactionEqual asserts that expected and result are equal, ignoring
// irrelevant differences.
func assertNFTablesTransactionEqual(t *testing.T, line string, expected, result string) {}

// diffNFTablesChain is a (testable) helper function for assertNFTablesChainEqual
func diffNFTablesChain(nft *knftables.Fake, chain, expected string) string {}

type nftablesTracer

// newNFTablesTracer creates an nftablesTracer. nodeIPs are the IP to treat as local node
// IPs (for determining whether rules with "fib saddr type local" or "fib daddr type
// local" match).
func newNFTablesTracer(t *testing.T, nft *knftables.Fake, nodeIPs []string) *nftablesTracer {}

func (tracer *nftablesTracer) addressMatches(ipStr string, wantMatch bool, ruleAddress string) bool {}

func (tracer *nftablesTracer) addressMatchesSet(ipStr string, wantMatch bool, ruleAddress string) bool {}

// matchDestIPOnly checks an "ip daddr" against a set/map, and returns the matching
// Element, if found.
func (tracer *nftablesTracer) matchDestIPOnly(elements []*knftables.Element, destIP string) *knftables.Element {}

// matchDest checks an "ip daddr . meta l4proto . th dport" against a set/map, and returns
// the matching Element, if found.
func (tracer *nftablesTracer) matchDest(elements []*knftables.Element, destIP, protocol, destPort string) *knftables.Element {}

// matchDestPort checks an "meta l4proto . th dport" against a set/map, and returns the
// matching Element, if found.
func (tracer *nftablesTracer) matchDestPort(elements []*knftables.Element, protocol, destPort string) *knftables.Element {}

var destAddrRegexp

var destAddrLookupRegexp

var destAddrLocalRegexp

var destPortRegexp

var destIPOnlyLookupRegexp

var destDispatchRegexp

var destPortDispatchRegexp

var sourceAddrRegexp

var sourceAddrLookupRegexp

var sourceAddrLocalRegexp

var endpointVMAPRegexp

var endpointVMapEntryRegexp

var masqueradeRegexp

var jumpRegexp

var returnRegexp

var verdictRegexp

var dnatRegexp

var ignoredRegexp

// runChain runs the given packet through the rules in the given table and chain, updating
// tracer's internal state accordingly. It returns true if it hits a terminal action.
func (tracer *nftablesTracer) runChain(chname, sourceIP, protocol, destIP, destPort string) bool {}

// tracePacket determines what would happen to a packet with the given sourceIP, destIP,
// and destPort, given the indicated iptables ruleData. nodeIPs are the local node IPs (for
// rules matching "local"). (The protocol value should be lowercase as in nftables
// rules, not uppercase as in corev1.)
// The return values are: an array of matched rules (for debugging), the final packet
// destinations (a comma-separated list of IPs, or one of the special targets "ACCEPT",
// "DROP", or "REJECT"), and whether the packet would be masqueraded.
func tracePacket(t *testing.T, nft *knftables.Fake, sourceIP, protocol, destIP, destPort string, nodeIPs []string) ([]string, string, bool) {}

type packetFlowTest

func runPacketFlowTests(t *testing.T, line string, nft *knftables.Fake, nodeIPs []string, testCases []packetFlowTest) {}

var testInput

var testExpected

func Test_sortNFTablesTransaction(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_diffNFTablesTransaction(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_diffNFTablesChain(t *testing.T) {}

// This tests tracePacket against static data, just to make sure we match things in the
// way we expect to. We need separate tests for ipv4 and ipv6 because knftables.Fake only supports
// one address family at a time.
// The test data is based on the TestOverallNFTablesRules.
func TestTracePacketV4(t *testing.T) {}

// This tests tracePacket against static data, just to make sure we match things in the
// way we expect to. We need separate tests for ipv4 and ipv6 because knftables.Fake only supports
// one address family at a time.
// The test data is based on "basic tests" of TestNodePorts for ipv6.
func TestTracePacketV6(t *testing.T) {}