
type Repair

const numRepairsBeforeLeakCleanup

// NewRepair creates a controller that periodically ensures that all clusterIPs are uniquely allocated across the cluster
// and generates informational warnings for a cluster that is not in sync.
func NewRepair(interval time.Duration, serviceClient corev1client.ServicesGetter, eventClient eventsv1client.EventsV1Interface, network *net.IPNet, alloc rangeallocation.RangeRegistry, secondaryNetwork *net.IPNet, secondaryAlloc rangeallocation.RangeRegistry) *Repair {}

// RunUntil starts the controller until the provided ch is closed.
func (c *Repair) RunUntil(onFirstSuccess func(), stopCh chan struct{}

// runOnce verifies the state of the cluster IP allocations and returns an error if an unrecoverable problem occurs.
func (c *Repair) runOnce() error {}

// doRunOnce verifies the state of the cluster IP allocations and returns an error if an unrecoverable problem occurs.
func (c *Repair) doRunOnce() error {}

func (c *Repair) saveSnapShot(rebuilt *ipallocator.Range, alloc rangeallocation.RangeRegistry, snapshot *api.RangeAllocation) error {}

func (c *Repair) checkLeaked(leaks map[string]int, stored ipallocator.Interface, rebuilt *ipallocator.Range) {}