
const ControllerName

type Allocator

var _

// NewIPAllocator returns an IP allocator associated to a network range
// that use the IPAddress objectto track the assigned IP addresses,
// using an informer cache as storage.
func NewIPAllocator(
	cidr *net.IPNet,
	client networkingv1beta1client.NetworkingV1beta1Interface,
	ipAddressInformer networkingv1beta1informers.IPAddressInformer,
) (*Allocator, error) {}

func (a *Allocator) createIPAddress(name string, svc *api.Service, scope string) error {}

// Allocate attempts to reserve the provided IP. ErrNotInRange or
// ErrAllocated will be returned if the IP is not valid for this range
// or has already been reserved.  ErrFull will be returned if there
// are no addresses left.
// Only for testing, it will fail to create the IPAddress object because
// the Service reference is required.
func (a *Allocator) Allocate(ip net.IP) error {}

// AllocateService attempts to reserve the provided IP. ErrNotInRange or
// ErrAllocated will be returned if the IP is not valid for this range
// or has already been reserved.  ErrFull will be returned if there
// are no addresses left.
func (a *Allocator) AllocateService(svc *api.Service, ip net.IP) error {}

func (a *Allocator) allocateService(svc *api.Service, ip net.IP, dryRun bool) error {}

// AllocateNext return an IP address that wasn't allocated yet.
// Only for testing, it will fail to create the IPAddress object because
// the Service reference is required.
func (a *Allocator) AllocateNext() (net.IP, error) {}

// AllocateNext return an IP address that wasn't allocated yet.
func (a *Allocator) AllocateNextService(svc *api.Service) (net.IP, error) {}

// allocateNextService tries to allocate a free IP address within the subnet.
// If the subnet is big enough, it partitions the subnet into two subranges,
// delimited by a.rangeOffset.
// It tries to allocate a free IP address from the upper subnet first and
// falls back to the lower subnet.
// It starts allocating from a random IP within each range.
func (a *Allocator) allocateNextService(svc *api.Service, dryRun bool) (net.IP, error) {}

// IP iterator allows to iterate over all the IP addresses
// in a range defined by the start and last address.
// It starts iterating at the address position defined by the offset.
// It returns an invalid address to indicate it hasfinished.
func ipIterator(first netip.Addr, last netip.Addr, offset uint64) func() netip.Addr {}

// allocateFromRange allocates an empty IP address from the range of
// IPs between the first and last address (both included), starting
// from the start address.
// TODO: this is a linear search, it can be optimized.
func (a *Allocator) allocateFromRange(iterator func() netip.Addr, svc *api.Service) (net.IP, error) {}

// Release releases the IP back to the pool. Releasing an
// unallocated IP or an IP out of the range is a no-op and
// returns no error.
func (a *Allocator) Release(ip net.IP) error {}

func (a *Allocator) release(ip net.IP, dryRun bool) error {}

// ForEach executes the function on each allocated IP
// This is required to satisfy the Allocator Interface only
func (a *Allocator) ForEach(f func(net.IP)) {}

func (a *Allocator) CIDR() net.IPNet {}

// for testing
func (a *Allocator) Has(ip net.IP) bool {}

func (a *Allocator) IPFamily() api.IPFamily {}

// for testing, it assumes this is the allocator is unique for the ipFamily
func (a *Allocator) Used() int {}

// for testing, it assumes this is the allocator is unique for the ipFamily
func (a *Allocator) Free() int {}

// Destroy
func (a *Allocator) Destroy() {}

// DryRun
func (a *Allocator) DryRun() Interface {}

// EnableMetrics
func (a *Allocator) EnableMetrics() {}

type dryRunAllocator

func (dry dryRunAllocator) Allocate(ip net.IP) error {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) AllocateNext() (net.IP, error) {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) Release(ip net.IP) error {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) ForEach(cb func(net.IP)) {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) CIDR() net.IPNet {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) IPFamily() api.IPFamily {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) DryRun() Interface {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) Has(ip net.IP) bool {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) Destroy() {}

func (dry dryRunAllocator) EnableMetrics() {}

// addOffsetAddress returns the address at the provided offset within the subnet
// TODO: move it to k8s.io/utils/net, this is the same as current AddIPOffset()
// but using netip.Addr instead of net.IP
func addOffsetAddress(address netip.Addr, offset uint64) (netip.Addr, error) {}

// hostsPerNetwork returns the number of available hosts in a subnet.
// The max number is limited by the size of an uint64.
// Number of hosts is calculated with the formula:
// IPv4: 2^x – 2, not consider network and broadcast address
// IPv6: 2^x - 1, not consider network address
// where x is the number of host bits in the subnet.
func hostsPerNetwork(subnet *net.IPNet) uint64 {}

// broadcastAddress returns the broadcast address of the subnet
// The broadcast address is obtained by setting all the host bits
// in a subnet to 1.
// network : subnet bits 24 host bits 32 - 24 = 8
// broadcast address
func broadcastAddress(subnet netip.Prefix) (netip.Addr, error) {}

// serviceToRef obtain the Service Parent Reference
func serviceToRef(svc *api.Service) *networkingv1beta1.ParentReference {}