
type NodeScoreList

type NodeScore

type NodeToStatusReader

type NodeToStatusMap

type NodeToStatus

// NewDefaultNodeToStatus creates NodeToStatus without any node in the map.
// The absentNodesStatus is set by default to UnschedulableAndUnresolvable.
func NewDefaultNodeToStatus() *NodeToStatus {}

// NewNodeToStatus creates NodeToStatus initialized with given nodeToStatus and absentNodesStatus.
func NewNodeToStatus(nodeToStatus map[string]*Status, absentNodesStatus *Status) *NodeToStatus {}

// Get returns the status for given nodeName. If the node is not in the map, the absentNodesStatus is returned.
func (m *NodeToStatus) Get(nodeName string) *Status {}

// Set sets status for given nodeName.
func (m *NodeToStatus) Set(nodeName string, status *Status) {}

// Len returns length of nodeToStatus map. It is not aware of number of absent nodes.
func (m *NodeToStatus) Len() int {}

// AbsentNodesStatus returns absentNodesStatus value.
func (m *NodeToStatus) AbsentNodesStatus() *Status {}

// SetAbsentNodesStatus sets absentNodesStatus value.
func (m *NodeToStatus) SetAbsentNodesStatus(status *Status) {}

// ForEachExplicitNode runs fn for each node which status is explicitly set.
// Imporatant note, it runs the fn only for nodes with a status explicitly registered,
// and hence may not run the fn for all existing nodes.
// For example, if PreFilter rejects all Nodes, the scheduler would NOT set a failure status to every Node,
// but set a failure status as AbsentNodesStatus.
// You're supposed to get a status from AbsentNodesStatus(), and consider all other nodes that are rejected by them.
func (m *NodeToStatus) ForEachExplicitNode(fn func(nodeName string, status *Status)) {}

// NodesForStatusCode returns a list of NodeInfos for the nodes that matches a given status code.
// If the absentNodesStatus matches the code, all existing nodes are fetched using nodeLister
// and filtered using NodeToStatus.Get.
// If the absentNodesStatus doesn't match the code, nodeToStatus map is used to create a list of nodes
// and nodeLister.Get is used to obtain NodeInfo for each.
func (m *NodeToStatus) NodesForStatusCode(nodeLister NodeInfoLister, code Code) ([]*NodeInfo, error) {}

type NodePluginScores

type PluginScore

type Code

const Success

const Error

const Unschedulable

const UnschedulableAndUnresolvable

const Wait

const Skip

const Pending

var codes

func (c Code) String() string {}

const MaxNodeScore

const MinNodeScore

const MaxTotalScore

var PodsToActivateKey

type PodsToActivate

// Clone just returns the same state.
func (s *PodsToActivate) Clone() StateData {}

// NewPodsToActivate instantiates a PodsToActivate object.
func NewPodsToActivate() *PodsToActivate {}

type Status

func (s *Status) WithError(err error) *Status {}

// Code returns code of the Status.
func (s *Status) Code() Code {}

// Message returns a concatenated message on reasons of the Status.
func (s *Status) Message() string {}

// SetPlugin sets the given plugin name to s.plugin.
func (s *Status) SetPlugin(plugin string) {}

// WithPlugin sets the given plugin name to s.plugin,
// and returns the given status object.
func (s *Status) WithPlugin(plugin string) *Status {}

// Plugin returns the plugin name which caused this status.
func (s *Status) Plugin() string {}

// Reasons returns reasons of the Status.
func (s *Status) Reasons() []string {}

// AppendReason appends given reason to the Status.
func (s *Status) AppendReason(reason string) {}

// IsSuccess returns true if and only if "Status" is nil or Code is "Success".
func (s *Status) IsSuccess() bool {}

// IsWait returns true if and only if "Status" is non-nil and its Code is "Wait".
func (s *Status) IsWait() bool {}

// IsSkip returns true if and only if "Status" is non-nil and its Code is "Skip".
func (s *Status) IsSkip() bool {}

// IsRejected returns true if "Status" is Unschedulable (Unschedulable, UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, or Pending).
func (s *Status) IsRejected() bool {}

// AsError returns nil if the status is a success, a wait or a skip; otherwise returns an "error" object
// with a concatenated message on reasons of the Status.
func (s *Status) AsError() error {}

// Equal checks equality of two statuses. This is useful for testing with
// cmp.Equal.
func (s *Status) Equal(x *Status) bool {}

func (s *Status) String() string {}

// NewStatus makes a Status out of the given arguments and returns its pointer.
func NewStatus(code Code, reasons ...string) *Status {}

// AsStatus wraps an error in a Status.
func AsStatus(err error) *Status {}

type WaitingPod

type Plugin

type PreEnqueuePlugin

type LessFunc

type QueueSortPlugin

type EnqueueExtensions

type PreFilterExtensions

type PreFilterPlugin

type FilterPlugin

type PostFilterPlugin

type PreScorePlugin

type ScoreExtensions

type ScorePlugin

type ReservePlugin

type PreBindPlugin

type PostBindPlugin

type PermitPlugin

type BindPlugin

type Framework

type Handle

type PreFilterResult

func (p *PreFilterResult) AllNodes() bool {}

func (p *PreFilterResult) Merge(in *PreFilterResult) *PreFilterResult {}

type NominatingMode

const ModeNoop

const ModeOverride

type NominatingInfo

type PostFilterResult

func NewPostFilterResultWithNominatedNode(name string) *PostFilterResult {}

func (ni *NominatingInfo) Mode() NominatingMode {}

type PodNominator

type PluginsRunner