
const SchedulerSubsystem

const PrioritizingExtender

const Binding

var ExtentionPoints

const PreFilter

const Filter

const PreFilterExtensionAddPod

const PreFilterExtensionRemovePod

const PostFilter

const PreScore

const Score

const ScoreExtensionNormalize

const PreBind

const Bind

const PostBind

const Reserve

const Unreserve

const Permit

const QueueingHintResultQueue

const QueueingHintResultQueueSkip

const QueueingHintResultError

const PodPoppedInFlightEvent

var scheduleAttempts

var EventHandlingLatency

var schedulingLatency

var SchedulingAlgorithmLatency

var PreemptionVictims

var PreemptionAttempts

var pendingPods

var InFlightEvents

var Goroutines

var PodSchedulingDuration

var PodSchedulingSLIDuration

var PodSchedulingAttempts

var FrameworkExtensionPointDuration

var PluginExecutionDuration

var queueingHintExecutionDuration

var SchedulerQueueIncomingPods

var PermitWaitDuration

var CacheSize

var unschedulableReasons

var PluginEvaluationTotal

var metricsList

var registerMetrics

// Register all metrics.
func Register() {}

func InitMetrics() {}

// RegisterMetrics registers a list of metrics.
// This function is exported because it is intended to be used by out-of-tree plugins to register their custom metrics.
func RegisterMetrics(extraMetrics ...metrics.Registerable) {}

// GetGather returns the gatherer. It used by test case outside current package.
func GetGather() metrics.Gatherer {}

// ActivePods returns the pending pods metrics with the label active
func ActivePods() metrics.GaugeMetric {}

// BackoffPods returns the pending pods metrics with the label backoff
func BackoffPods() metrics.GaugeMetric {}

// UnschedulablePods returns the pending pods metrics with the label unschedulable
func UnschedulablePods() metrics.GaugeMetric {}

// GatedPods returns the pending pods metrics with the label gated
func GatedPods() metrics.GaugeMetric {}

// SinceInSeconds gets the time since the specified start in seconds.
func SinceInSeconds(start time.Time) float64 {}

func UnschedulableReason(plugin string, profile string) metrics.GaugeMetric {}