
type RecorderFactory

// newProfile builds a Profile for the given configuration.
func newProfile(ctx context.Context, cfg config.KubeSchedulerProfile, r frameworkruntime.Registry, recorderFact RecorderFactory,
	opts ...frameworkruntime.Option) (framework.Framework, error) {}

type Map

// NewMap builds the frameworks given by the configuration, indexed by name.
func NewMap(ctx context.Context, cfgs []config.KubeSchedulerProfile, r frameworkruntime.Registry, recorderFact RecorderFactory,
	opts ...frameworkruntime.Option) (Map, error) {}

// HandlesSchedulerName returns whether a profile handles the given scheduler name.
func (m Map) HandlesSchedulerName(name string) bool {}

// Close closes all frameworks registered in this map.
func (m Map) Close() error {}

// NewRecorderFactory returns a RecorderFactory for the broadcaster.
func NewRecorderFactory(b events.EventBroadcaster) RecorderFactory {}

type cfgValidator

func (v *cfgValidator) validate(cfg config.KubeSchedulerProfile, f framework.Framework) error {}