
type ServiceAccountTokenGetter

type TokenGenerator

// JWTTokenGenerator returns a TokenGenerator that generates signed JWT tokens, using the given privateKey.
// privateKey is a PEM-encoded byte array of a private RSA key.
func JWTTokenGenerator(iss string, privateKey interface{}

// keyIDFromPublicKey derives a key ID non-reversibly from a public key.
// The Key ID is field on a given on JWTs and JWKs that help relying parties
// pick the correct key for verification when the identity party advertises
// multiple keys.
// Making the derivation non-reversible makes it impossible for someone to
// accidentally obtain the real key from the key ID and use it for token
// validation.
func keyIDFromPublicKey(publicKey interface{}

func signerFromRSAPrivateKey(keyPair *rsa.PrivateKey) (jose.Signer, error) {}

func signerFromECDSAPrivateKey(keyPair *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (jose.Signer, error) {}

func signerFromOpaqueSigner(opaqueSigner jose.OpaqueSigner) (jose.Signer, error) {}

type jwtTokenGenerator

func (j *jwtTokenGenerator) GenerateToken(claims *jwt.Claims, privateClaims interface{}

// JWTTokenAuthenticator authenticates tokens as JWT tokens produced by JWTTokenGenerator
// Token signatures are verified using each of the given public keys until one works (allowing key rotation)
// If lookup is true, the service account and secret referenced as claims inside the token are retrieved and verified with the provided ServiceAccountTokenGetter
func JWTTokenAuthenticator[PrivateClaims any](issuers []string, publicKeysGetter PublicKeysGetter, implicitAuds authenticator.Audiences, validator Validator[PrivateClaims]) authenticator.Token {}

type Listener

type PublicKeysGetter

type PublicKey

type staticPublicKeysGetter

// StaticPublicKeysGetter constructs an implementation of PublicKeysGetter
// which returns all public keys when key id is unspecified, and returns
// the public keys matching the keyIDFromPublicKey-derived key id when
// a key id is specified.
func StaticPublicKeysGetter(keys []interface{}

func (s staticPublicKeysGetter) AddListener(listener Listener) {}

func (s staticPublicKeysGetter) GetCacheAgeMaxSeconds() int {}

func (s staticPublicKeysGetter) GetPublicKeys(keyID string) []PublicKey {}

type jwtTokenAuthenticator

type Validator

func (j *jwtTokenAuthenticator[PrivateClaims]) AuthenticateToken(ctx context.Context, tokenData string) (*authenticator.Response, bool, error) {}

// hasCorrectIssuer returns true if tokenData is a valid JWT in compact
// serialization format and the "iss" claim matches the iss field of this token
// authenticator, and otherwise returns false.
// Note: go-jose currently does not allow access to unverified JWS payloads.
// See https://github.com/square/go-jose/issues/169
func (j *jwtTokenAuthenticator[PrivateClaims]) hasCorrectIssuer(tokenData string) bool {}