
type FakeIPTables

// NewFake returns a no-op iptables.Interface
func NewFake() *FakeIPTables {}

// NewIPv6Fake returns a no-op iptables.Interface with IsIPv6() == true
func NewIPv6Fake() *FakeIPTables {}

// SetHasRandomFully sets f's return value for HasRandomFully()
func (f *FakeIPTables) SetHasRandomFully(can bool) *FakeIPTables {}

// EnsureChain is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) EnsureChain(table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain) (bool, error) {}

// FlushChain is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) FlushChain(table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain) error {}

// DeleteChain is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) DeleteChain(table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain) error {}

// ChainExists is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) ChainExists(table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain) (bool, error) {}

// EnsureRule is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) EnsureRule(position iptables.RulePosition, table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain, args ...string) (bool, error) {}

// DeleteRule is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) DeleteRule(table iptables.Table, chain iptables.Chain, args ...string) error {}

// IsIPv6 is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) IsIPv6() bool {}

// Protocol is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) Protocol() iptables.Protocol {}

func (f *FakeIPTables) saveTable(table iptables.Table, buffer *bytes.Buffer) error {}

// SaveInto is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) SaveInto(table iptables.Table, buffer *bytes.Buffer) error {}

var builtinTargets

func (f *FakeIPTables) restoreTable(newDump *IPTablesDump, newTable *Table, flush iptables.FlushFlag, counters iptables.RestoreCountersFlag) error {}

// Restore is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) Restore(table iptables.Table, data []byte, flush iptables.FlushFlag, counters iptables.RestoreCountersFlag) error {}

// RestoreAll is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) RestoreAll(data []byte, flush iptables.FlushFlag, counters iptables.RestoreCountersFlag) error {}

// Monitor is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) Monitor(canary iptables.Chain, tables []iptables.Table, reloadFunc func(), interval time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}

// HasRandomFully is part of iptables.Interface
func (f *FakeIPTables) HasRandomFully() bool {}

func (f *FakeIPTables) Present() bool {}

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