
// Converts a sequence of PID lists into a PID lister.
// The PID lister returns pidListSequence[i] on the ith call. If i >= length of pidListSequence
// then return the last element of pidListSequence (the sequence is considered to have) stabilized.
func sequenceToPidLister(pidListSequence [][]int) func(string) ([]int, error) {}

// Tests that applyOOMScoreAdjContainer correctly applies OOM scores to relevant processes, or
// returns the right error.
func applyOOMScoreAdjContainerTester(pidListSequence [][]int, maxTries int, appliedPids []int, expectedError bool, t *testing.T) {}

func TestOOMScoreAdjContainer(t *testing.T) {}

func TestPidListerFailure(t *testing.T) {}