
type csiBlockMapper

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// GetGlobalMapPath returns a global map path (on the node) to a device file which will be symlinked to
// Example: plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices/{specName}/dev
func (m *csiBlockMapper) GetGlobalMapPath(spec *volume.Spec) (string, error) {}

// GetStagingPath returns a staging path for a directory (on the node) that should be used on NodeStageVolume/NodeUnstageVolume
// Example: plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices/staging/{specName}
func (m *csiBlockMapper) GetStagingPath() string {}

// SupportsMetrics returns true for csiBlockMapper as it initializes the
// MetricsProvider.
func (m *csiBlockMapper) SupportsMetrics() bool {}

// getPublishDir returns path to a directory, where the volume is published to each pod.
// Example: plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices/publish/{specName}
func (m *csiBlockMapper) getPublishDir() string {}

// getPublishPath returns a publish path for a file (on the node) that should be used on NodePublishVolume/NodeUnpublishVolume
// Example: plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/volumeDevices/publish/{specName}/{podUID}
func (m *csiBlockMapper) getPublishPath() string {}

// GetPodDeviceMapPath returns pod's device file which will be mapped to a volume
// returns: pods/{podUID}/volumeDevices/kubernetes.io~csi, {specName}
func (m *csiBlockMapper) GetPodDeviceMapPath() (string, string) {}

// stageVolumeForBlock stages a block volume to stagingPath
func (m *csiBlockMapper) stageVolumeForBlock(
	ctx context.Context,
	csi csiClient,
	accessMode v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode,
	csiSource *v1.CSIPersistentVolumeSource,
	attachment *storage.VolumeAttachment,
) (string, error) {}

// publishVolumeForBlock publishes a block volume to publishPath
func (m *csiBlockMapper) publishVolumeForBlock(
	ctx context.Context,
	csi csiClient,
	accessMode v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode,
	csiSource *v1.CSIPersistentVolumeSource,
	attachment *storage.VolumeAttachment,
) (string, error) {}

// SetUpDevice ensures the device is attached returns path where the device is located.
func (m *csiBlockMapper) SetUpDevice() (string, error) {}

func (m *csiBlockMapper) MapPodDevice() (string, error) {}

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// unpublishVolumeForBlock unpublishes a block volume from publishPath
func (m *csiBlockMapper) unpublishVolumeForBlock(ctx context.Context, csi csiClient, publishPath string) error {}

// unstageVolumeForBlock unstages a block volume from stagingPath
func (m *csiBlockMapper) unstageVolumeForBlock(ctx context.Context, csi csiClient, stagingPath string) error {}

// TearDownDevice removes traces of the SetUpDevice.
func (m *csiBlockMapper) TearDownDevice(globalMapPath, devicePath string) error {}

// Clean up any orphan files / directories when a block volume is being unstaged.
// At this point we can be sure that there is no pod using the volume and all
// files are indeed orphaned.
func (m *csiBlockMapper) cleanupOrphanDeviceFiles() error {}

// UnmapPodDevice unmaps the block device path.
func (m *csiBlockMapper) UnmapPodDevice() error {}