
var volDataKey

type csiMountMgr

var _

func (c *csiMountMgr) GetPath() string {}

func getTargetPath(uid types.UID, specVolumeID string, host volume.VolumeHost) string {}

var _

func (c *csiMountMgr) SetUp(mounterArgs volume.MounterArgs) error {}

func (c *csiMountMgr) SetUpAt(dir string, mounterArgs volume.MounterArgs) error {}

func (c *csiMountMgr) podServiceAccountTokenAttrs() (map[string]string, error) {}

func (c *csiMountMgr) GetAttributes() volume.Attributes {}

var _

func (c *csiMountMgr) TearDown() error {}

func (c *csiMountMgr) TearDownAt(dir string) error {}

func (c *csiMountMgr) supportsFSGroup(fsType string, fsGroup *int64, driverPolicy storage.FSGroupPolicy) bool {}

// getFSGroupPolicy returns if the CSI driver supports a volume in the given mode.
// An error indicates that it isn't supported and explains why.
func (c *csiMountMgr) getFSGroupPolicy() (storage.FSGroupPolicy, error) {}

// supportsVolumeMode checks whether the CSI driver supports a volume in the given mode.
// An error indicates that it isn't supported and explains why.
func (c *csiMountMgr) supportsVolumeLifecycleMode() error {}

// containsVolumeMode checks whether the given volume mode is listed.
func containsVolumeMode(modes []storage.VolumeLifecycleMode, mode storage.VolumeLifecycleMode) bool {}

// isDirMounted returns the !notMounted result from IsLikelyNotMountPoint check
func isDirMounted(plug *csiPlugin, dir string) (bool, error) {}

func isCorruptedDir(dir string) bool {}

// removeMountDir cleans the mount dir when dir is not mounted and removed the volume data file in dir
func removeMountDir(plug *csiPlugin, mountPath string) error {}

// makeVolumeHandle returns csi-<sha256(podUID,volSourceSpecName)>
func makeVolumeHandle(podUID, volSourceSpecName string) string {}

func mergeMap(first, second map[string]string) map[string]string {}