
type PluginNameMapper

type PluginManager

// NewPluginManager returns a new PluginManager instance
func NewPluginManager(m PluginNameMapper, featureGate featuregate.FeatureGate) PluginManager {}

// IsMigrationCompleteForPlugin indicates whether CSI migration has been completed
// for a particular storage plugin. A complete migration will need to:
// 1. Enable CSIMigrationXX for the plugin
// 2. Unregister the in-tree plugin by setting the InTreePluginXXUnregister feature gate
func (pm PluginManager) IsMigrationCompleteForPlugin(pluginName string) bool {}

// IsMigrationEnabledForPlugin indicates whether CSI migration has been enabled
// for a particular storage plugin
func (pm PluginManager) IsMigrationEnabledForPlugin(pluginName string) bool {}

// IsMigratable indicates whether CSI migration has been enabled for a volume
// plugin that the spec refers to
func (pm PluginManager) IsMigratable(spec *volume.Spec) (bool, error) {}

type InTreeToCSITranslator

// TranslateInTreeSpecToCSI translates a volume spec (either PV or inline volume)
// supported by an in-tree plugin to CSI
func TranslateInTreeSpecToCSI(logger klog.Logger, spec *volume.Spec, podNamespace string, translator InTreeToCSITranslator) (*volume.Spec, error) {}

// CheckMigrationFeatureFlags checks the configuration of feature flags related
// to CSI Migration is valid. It will return whether the migration is complete
// by looking up the pluginUnregister flag
func CheckMigrationFeatureFlags(f featuregate.FeatureGate, pluginMigration,
	pluginUnregister featuregate.Feature) (migrationComplete bool, err error) {}