
type ioHandler

type osIOHandler

const byPath

const byID

func (handler *osIOHandler) ReadDir(dirname string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (handler *osIOHandler) Lstat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (handler *osIOHandler) EvalSymlinks(path string) (string, error) {}

func (handler *osIOHandler) WriteFile(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error {}

// given a wwn and lun, find the device and associated devicemapper parent
func findDisk(wwn, lun string, io ioHandler, deviceUtil volumeutil.DeviceUtil) (string, string) {}

// given a wwid, find the device and associated devicemapper parent
func findDiskWWIDs(wwid string, io ioHandler, deviceUtil volumeutil.DeviceUtil) (string, string) {}

// Flushes any outstanding I/O to the device
func flushDevice(deviceName string, exec utilexec.Interface) {}

// Removes a scsi device based upon /dev/sdX name
func removeFromScsiSubsystem(deviceName string, io ioHandler) {}

// rescan scsi bus
func scsiHostRescan(io ioHandler) {}

// make a directory like /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/fc/target1-target2-lun-0
func makePDNameInternal(host volume.VolumeHost, wwns []string, lun string, wwids []string) string {}

// make a directory like /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/fc/volumeDevices/target-lun-0
func makeVDPDNameInternal(host volume.VolumeHost, wwns []string, lun string, wwids []string) string {}

func parsePDName(path string) (wwns []string, lun int32, wwids []string, err error) {}

type fcUtil

func (util *fcUtil) MakeGlobalPDName(fc fcDisk) string {}

// Global volume device plugin dir
func (util *fcUtil) MakeGlobalVDPDName(fc fcDisk) string {}

func searchDisk(b fcDiskMounter) (string, error) {}

func (util *fcUtil) AttachDisk(b fcDiskMounter) (string, error) {}

// DetachDisk removes scsi device file such as /dev/sdX from the node.
func (util *fcUtil) DetachDisk(c fcDiskUnmounter, devicePath string) error {}

// detachFCDisk removes scsi device file such as /dev/sdX from the node.
func (util *fcUtil) detachFCDisk(io ioHandler, exec utilexec.Interface, devicePath string) error {}

// DetachBlockFCDisk detaches a volume from kubelet node, removes scsi device file
// such as /dev/sdX from the node, and then removes loopback for the scsi device.
func (util *fcUtil) DetachBlockFCDisk(c fcDiskUnmapper, mapPath, devicePath string) error {}

func (util *fcUtil) deleteMultipathDevice(exec utilexec.Interface, dmDevice string) error {}

func checkPathExists(path string) (bool, error) {}