
const initCmd

const getVolumeNameCmd

const isAttached

const attachCmd

const waitForAttachCmd

const mountDeviceCmd

const detachCmd

const unmountDeviceCmd

const mountCmd

const unmountCmd

const expandVolumeCmd

const expandFSCmd

const optionFSType

const optionReadWrite

const optionKeySecret

const optionFSGroup

const optionPVorVolumeName

const optionKeyPodName

const optionKeyPodNamespace

const optionKeyPodUID

const optionKeyServiceAccountName

const StatusSuccess

const StatusNotSupported

var errTimeout

type DriverCall

func (plugin *flexVolumePlugin) NewDriverCall(command string) *DriverCall {}

func (plugin *flexVolumePlugin) NewDriverCallWithTimeout(command string, timeout time.Duration) *DriverCall {}

// Append appends arg into driver call argument list
func (dc *DriverCall) Append(arg string) {}

// AppendSpec appends volume spec to driver call argument list
func (dc *DriverCall) AppendSpec(spec *volume.Spec, host volume.VolumeHost, extraOptions map[string]string) error {}

// Run executes the driver call
func (dc *DriverCall) Run() (*DriverStatus, error) {}

type OptionsForDriver

// NewOptionsForDriver create driver options given volume spec
func NewOptionsForDriver(spec *volume.Spec, host volume.VolumeHost, extraOptions map[string]string) (OptionsForDriver, error) {}

type DriverStatus

type DriverCapabilities

func defaultCapabilities() *DriverCapabilities {}

// isCmdNotSupportedErr checks if the error corresponds to command not supported by
// driver.
func isCmdNotSupportedErr(err error) bool {}

// handleCmdResponse processes the command output and returns the appropriate
// error code or message.
func handleCmdResponse(cmd string, output []byte) (*DriverStatus, error) {}