
type ProbeOperation

type ProbeEvent

const VolumeParameterFSType

const ProbeAddOrUpdate

const ProbeRemove

var ErrNoPluiginMatched

type VolumeOptions

type NodeResizeOptions

type DynamicPluginProber

type VolumePlugin

type PersistentVolumePlugin

type RecyclableVolumePlugin

type DeletableVolumePlugin

type ProvisionableVolumePlugin

type AttachableVolumePlugin

type DeviceMountableVolumePlugin

type ExpandableVolumePlugin

type NodeExpandableVolumePlugin

type BlockVolumePlugin

type KubeletVolumeHost

type AttachDetachVolumeHost

type VolumeHost

type VolumePluginMgr

type Spec

// Name returns the name of either Volume or PersistentVolume, one of which must not be nil.
func (spec *Spec) Name() string {}

// IsKubeletExpandable returns true for volume types that can be expanded only by the node
// and not the controller. Currently Flex volume is the only one in this category since
// it is typically not installed on the controller
func (spec *Spec) IsKubeletExpandable() bool {}

// KubeletExpandablePluginName creates and returns a name for the plugin
// this is used in context on the controller where the plugin lookup fails
// as volume expansion on controller isn't supported, but a plugin name is
// required
func (spec *Spec) KubeletExpandablePluginName() string {}

type VolumeConfig

type ReconstructedVolume

// NewSpecFromVolume creates an Spec from an v1.Volume
func NewSpecFromVolume(vs *v1.Volume) *Spec {}

// NewSpecFromPersistentVolume creates an Spec from an v1.PersistentVolume
func NewSpecFromPersistentVolume(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, readOnly bool) *Spec {}

// InitPlugins initializes each plugin.  All plugins must have unique names.
// This must be called exactly once before any New* methods are called on any
// plugins.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) InitPlugins(plugins []VolumePlugin, prober DynamicPluginProber, host VolumeHost) error {}

func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) initProbedPlugin(probedPlugin VolumePlugin) error {}

// FindPluginBySpec looks for a plugin that can support a given volume
// specification.  If no plugins can support or more than one plugin can
// support it, return error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (VolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindPluginByName fetches a plugin by name. If no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPluginByName(name string) (VolumePlugin, error) {}

// Check if probedPlugin cache update is required.
// If it is, initialize all probed plugins and replace the cache with them.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) refreshProbedPlugins() {}

// FindPersistentPluginBySpec looks for a persistent volume plugin that can
// support a given volume specification.  If no plugin is found, return an
// error
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPersistentPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (PersistentVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindPersistentPluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
// no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPersistentPluginByName(name string) (PersistentVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindRecyclablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
// no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindRecyclablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (RecyclableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindProvisionablePluginByName fetches  a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
// no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindProvisionablePluginByName(name string) (ProvisionableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindDeletablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.  If
// no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeletablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (DeletableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindDeletablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
// no plugin is found, returns error.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeletablePluginByName(name string) (DeletableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindAttachablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
// Unlike the other "FindPlugin" methods, this does not return error if no
// plugin is found.  All volumes require a mounter and unmounter, but not
// every volume will have an attacher/detacher.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindAttachablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (AttachableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindAttachablePluginByName fetches an attachable volume plugin by name.
// Unlike the other "FindPlugin" methods, this does not return error if no
// plugin is found.  All volumes require a mounter and unmounter, but not
// every volume will have an attacher/detacher.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindAttachablePluginByName(name string) (AttachableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindDeviceMountablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeviceMountablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (DeviceMountableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindDeviceMountablePluginByName fetches a devicemountable volume plugin by name.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeviceMountablePluginByName(name string) (DeviceMountableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindExpandablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (ExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindExpandablePluginByName(name string) (ExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindMapperPluginBySpec fetches a block volume plugin by spec.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindMapperPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (BlockVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindMapperPluginByName fetches a block volume plugin by name.
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindMapperPluginByName(name string) (BlockVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindNodeExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindNodeExpandablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (NodeExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {}

// FindNodeExpandablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name
func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindNodeExpandablePluginByName(name string) (NodeExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {}

func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}

// NewPersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplate creates a template for a recycler
// pod.  By default, a recycler pod simply runs "rm -rf" on a volume and tests
// for emptiness.  Most attributes of the template will be correct for most
// plugin implementations.  The following attributes can be overridden per
// plugin via configuration:
//  1. pod.Spec.Volumes[0].VolumeSource must be overridden.  Recycler
//     implementations without a valid VolumeSource will fail.
//  2. pod.GenerateName helps distinguish recycler pods by name.  Recommended.
//     Default is "pv-recycler-".
//  3. pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds gives the recycler pod a maximum timeout
//     before failing.  Recommended.  Default is 60 seconds.
// See HostPath and NFS for working recycler examples
func NewPersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplate() *v1.Pod {}

// Check validity of recycle pod template
// List of checks:
// - at least one volume is defined in the recycle pod template
// If successful, returns nil
// if unsuccessful, returns an error.
func ValidateRecyclerPodTemplate(pod *v1.Pod) error {}

type dummyPluginProber

func (*dummyPluginProber) Init() error                  {}

func (*dummyPluginProber) Probe() ([]ProbeEvent, error) {}