
const maxFileNameLength

const maxPathLength

type AtomicWriter

type FileProjection

// NewAtomicWriter creates a new AtomicWriter configured to write to the given
// target directory, or returns an error if the target directory does not exist.
func NewAtomicWriter(targetDir string, logContext string) (*AtomicWriter, error) {}

const dataDirName

const newDataDirName

// Write does an atomic projection of the given payload into the writer's target
// directory.  Input paths must not begin with '..'.
// setPerms is an optional pointer to a function that caller can provide to set the
// permissions of the newly created files before they are published. The function is
// passed subPath which is the name of the timestamped directory that was created
// under target directory.
// The Write algorithm is:
//  1. The payload is validated; if the payload is invalid, the function returns
//  2. The current timestamped directory is detected by reading the data directory
//     symlink
//  3. The old version of the volume is walked to determine whether any
//     portion of the payload was deleted and is still present on disk.
//  4. The data in the current timestamped directory is compared to the projected
//     data to determine if an update to data directory is required.
//  5. A new timestamped dir is created if an update is required.
//  6. The payload is written to the new timestamped directory.
//  7. Permissions are set (if setPerms is not nil) on the new timestamped directory and files.
//  8. A symlink to the new timestamped directory ..data_tmp is created that will
//     become the new data directory.
//  9. The new data directory symlink is renamed to the data directory; rename is atomic.
//  10. Symlinks and directory for new user-visible files are created (if needed).
//     For example, consider the files:
//     <target-dir>/podName
//     <target-dir>/user/labels
//     <target-dir>/k8s/annotations
//     The user visible files are symbolic links into the internal data directory:
//     <target-dir>/podName         -> ..data/podName
//     <target-dir>/usr -> ..data/usr
//     <target-dir>/k8s -> ..data/k8s
//     The data directory itself is a link to a timestamped directory with
//     the real data:
//     <target-dir>/..data          -> ..2016_02_01_15_04_05.12345678/
//     NOTE(claudiub): We need to create these symlinks AFTER we've finished creating and
//     linking everything else. On Windows, if a target does not exist, the created symlink
//     will not work properly if the target ends up being a directory.
//  11. Old paths are removed from the user-visible portion of the target directory.
//  12. The previous timestamped directory is removed, if it exists.
func (w *AtomicWriter) Write(payload map[string]FileProjection, setPerms func(subPath string) error) error {}

// validatePayload returns an error if any path in the payload returns a copy of the payload with the paths cleaned.
func validatePayload(payload map[string]FileProjection) (map[string]FileProjection, error) {}

// validatePath validates a single path, returning an error if the path is
// invalid.  paths may not:
// 1. be absolute
// 2. contain '..' as an element
// 3. start with '..'
// 4. contain filenames larger than 255 characters
// 5. be longer than 4096 characters
func validatePath(targetPath string) error {}

// shouldWritePayload returns whether the payload should be written to disk.
func shouldWritePayload(payload map[string]FileProjection, oldTsDir string) (bool, error) {}

// shouldWriteFile returns whether a new version of a file should be written to disk.
func shouldWriteFile(path string, content []byte) (bool, error) {}

// pathsToRemove walks the current version of the data directory and
// determines which paths should be removed (if any) after the payload is
// written to the target directory.
func (w *AtomicWriter) pathsToRemove(payload map[string]FileProjection, oldTSDir string) (sets.Set[string], error) {}

// newTimestampDir creates a new timestamp directory
func (w *AtomicWriter) newTimestampDir() (string, error) {}

// writePayloadToDir writes the given payload to the given directory.  The
// directory must exist.
func (w *AtomicWriter) writePayloadToDir(payload map[string]FileProjection, dir string) error {}

// createUserVisibleFiles creates the relative symlinks for all the
// files configured in the payload. If the directory in a file path does not
// exist, it is created.
// Viz:
// For files: "bar", "foo/bar", "baz/bar", "foo/baz/blah"
// the following symlinks are created:
// bar -> ..data/bar
// foo -> ..data/foo
// baz -> ..data/baz
func (w *AtomicWriter) createUserVisibleFiles(payload map[string]FileProjection) error {}

// removeUserVisiblePaths removes the set of paths from the user-visible
// portion of the writer's target directory.
func (w *AtomicWriter) removeUserVisiblePaths(paths sets.Set[string]) error {}