
const statusSuccess

const statusFailUnknown

var StorageOperationMetric

var storageOperationEndToEndLatencyMetric

var csiOperationsLatencyMetric

func init() {}

func registerMetrics() {}

// OperationCompleteHook returns a hook to call when an operation is completed
func OperationCompleteHook(plugin, operationName string) func(types.CompleteFuncParam) {}

// FSGroupCompleteHook returns a hook to call when volume recursive permission is changed
func FSGroupCompleteHook(plugin volume.VolumePlugin, spec *volume.Spec) func(types.CompleteFuncParam) {}

// GetFullQualifiedPluginNameForVolume returns full qualified plugin name for
// given volume. For CSI plugin, it appends plugin driver name at the end of
// plugin name, e.g. kubernetes.io/csi:csi-hostpath. It helps to distinguish
// between metrics emitted for CSI volumes which may be handled by different
// CSI plugin drivers.
func GetFullQualifiedPluginNameForVolume(pluginName string, spec *volume.Spec) string {}

// RecordOperationLatencyMetric records the end to end latency for certain operation
// into metric volume_operation_total_seconds
func RecordOperationLatencyMetric(plugin, operationName string, secondsTaken float64) {}

// RecordCSIOperationLatencyMetrics records the CSI operation latency and grpc status
// into metric csi_kubelet_operations_seconds
func RecordCSIOperationLatencyMetrics(driverName string,
	operationName string,
	operationErr error,
	operationDuration time.Duration,
	migrated string) {}

func getErrorCode(err error) string {}