
const readyFileName

const ControllerManagedAttachAnnotation

const MountsInGlobalPDPath

const VolumeGidAnnotationKey

const VolumeDynamicallyCreatedByKey

const kubernetesPluginPathPrefix

// IsReady checks for the existence of a regular file
// called 'ready' in the given directory and returns
// true if that file exists.
func IsReady(dir string) bool {}

// SetReady creates a file called 'ready' in the given
// directory.  It logs an error if the file cannot be
// created.
func SetReady(dir string) {}

// GetSecretForPV locates secret by name and namespace, verifies the secret type, and returns secret map
func GetSecretForPV(secretNamespace, secretName, volumePluginName string, kubeClient clientset.Interface) (map[string]string, error) {}

// LoadPodFromFile will read, decode, and return a Pod from a file.
func LoadPodFromFile(filePath string) (*v1.Pod, error) {}

// CalculateTimeoutForVolume calculates time for a Recycler pod to complete a
// recycle operation. The calculation and return value is either the
// minimumTimeout or the timeoutIncrement per Gi of storage size, whichever is
// greater.
func CalculateTimeoutForVolume(minimumTimeout, timeoutIncrement int, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) int64 {}

// GetPath checks if the path from the mounter is empty.
func GetPath(mounter volume.Mounter) (string, error) {}

// UnmountViaEmptyDir delegates the tear down operation for secret, configmap, git_repo and downwardapi
// to empty_dir
func UnmountViaEmptyDir(dir string, host volume.VolumeHost, volName string, volSpec volume.Spec, podUID utypes.UID) error {}

// MountOptionFromSpec extracts and joins mount options from volume spec with supplied options
func MountOptionFromSpec(spec *volume.Spec, options ...string) []string {}

// JoinMountOptions joins mount options eliminating duplicates
func JoinMountOptions(userOptions []string, systemOptions []string) []string {}

// ContainsAccessMode returns whether the requested mode is contained by modes
func ContainsAccessMode(modes []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode, mode v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode) bool {}

// ContainsAllAccessModes returns whether all of the requested modes are contained by modes
func ContainsAllAccessModes(indexedModes []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode, requestedModes []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode) bool {}

// GetWindowsPath get a windows path
func GetWindowsPath(path string) string {}

// GetUniquePodName returns a unique identifier to reference a pod by
func GetUniquePodName(pod *v1.Pod) types.UniquePodName {}

// GetUniqueVolumeName returns a unique name representing the volume/plugin.
// Caller should ensure that volumeName is a name/ID uniquely identifying the
// actual backing device, directory, path, etc. for a particular volume.
// The returned name can be used to uniquely reference the volume, for example,
// to prevent operations (attach/detach or mount/unmount) from being triggered
// on the same volume.
func GetUniqueVolumeName(pluginName, volumeName string) v1.UniqueVolumeName {}

// GetUniqueVolumeNameFromSpecWithPod returns a unique volume name with pod
// name included. This is useful to generate different names for different pods
// on same volume.
func GetUniqueVolumeNameFromSpecWithPod(
	podName types.UniquePodName, volumePlugin volume.VolumePlugin, volumeSpec *volume.Spec) v1.UniqueVolumeName {}

// GetUniqueVolumeNameFromSpec uses the given VolumePlugin to generate a unique
// name representing the volume defined in the specified volume spec.
// This returned name can be used to uniquely reference the actual backing
// device, directory, path, etc. referenced by the given volumeSpec.
// If the given plugin does not support the volume spec, this returns an error.
func GetUniqueVolumeNameFromSpec(
	volumePlugin volume.VolumePlugin,
	volumeSpec *volume.Spec) (v1.UniqueVolumeName, error) {}

// IsPodTerminated checks if pod is terminated
func IsPodTerminated(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus v1.PodStatus) bool {}

// notRunning returns true if every status is terminated or waiting, or the status list
// is empty.
func notRunning(statuses []v1.ContainerStatus) bool {}

// SplitUniqueName splits the unique name to plugin name and volume name strings. It expects the uniqueName to follow
// the format plugin_name/volume_name and the plugin name must be namespaced as described by the plugin interface,
// i.e. namespace/plugin containing exactly one '/'. This means the unique name will always be in the form of
// plugin_namespace/plugin/volume_name, see k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/plugins.go VolumePlugin interface
// description and pkg/volume/util/volumehelper/volumehelper.go GetUniqueVolumeNameFromSpec that constructs
// the unique volume names.
func SplitUniqueName(uniqueName v1.UniqueVolumeName) (string, string, error) {}

// NewSafeFormatAndMountFromHost creates a new SafeFormatAndMount with Mounter
// and Exec taken from given VolumeHost.
func NewSafeFormatAndMountFromHost(pluginName string, host volume.VolumeHost) *mount.SafeFormatAndMount {}

// GetVolumeMode retrieves VolumeMode from pv.
// If the volume doesn't have PersistentVolume, it's an inline volume,
// should return volumeMode as filesystem to keep existing behavior.
func GetVolumeMode(volumeSpec *volume.Spec) (v1.PersistentVolumeMode, error) {}

// GetPersistentVolumeClaimQualifiedName returns a qualified name for pvc.
func GetPersistentVolumeClaimQualifiedName(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string {}

// CheckVolumeModeFilesystem checks VolumeMode.
// If the mode is Filesystem, return true otherwise return false.
func CheckVolumeModeFilesystem(volumeSpec *volume.Spec) (bool, error) {}

// CheckPersistentVolumeClaimModeBlock checks VolumeMode.
// If the mode is Block, return true otherwise return false.
func CheckPersistentVolumeClaimModeBlock(pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) bool {}

// IsWindowsUNCPath checks if path is prefixed with \\
// This can be used to skip any processing of paths
// that point to SMB shares, local named pipes and local UNC path
func IsWindowsUNCPath(goos, path string) bool {}

// IsWindowsLocalPath checks if path is a local path
// prefixed with "/" or "\" like "/foo/bar" or "\foo\bar"
func IsWindowsLocalPath(goos, path string) bool {}

// MakeAbsolutePath convert path to absolute path according to GOOS
func MakeAbsolutePath(goos, path string) string {}

// MapBlockVolume is a utility function to provide a common way of mapping
// block device path for a specified volume and pod.  This function should be
// called by volume plugins that implements volume.BlockVolumeMapper.Map() method.
func MapBlockVolume(
	blkUtil volumepathhandler.BlockVolumePathHandler,
	volumeMapName string,
	podUID utypes.UID,
) error {}

// UnmapBlockVolume is a utility function to provide a common way of unmapping
// block device path for a specified volume and pod.  This function should be
// called by volume plugins that implements volume.BlockVolumeMapper.Map() method.
func UnmapBlockVolume(
	blkUtil volumepathhandler.BlockVolumePathHandler,
	volumeMapName string,
	podUID utypes.UID,
) error {}

// IsLocalEphemeralVolume determines whether the argument is a local ephemeral
// volume vs. some other type
// Local means the volume is using storage from the local disk that is managed by kubelet.
// Ephemeral means the lifecycle of the volume is the same as the Pod.
func IsLocalEphemeralVolume(volume v1.Volume) bool {}

// GetPodVolumeNames returns names of volumes that are used in a pod,
// either as filesystem mount or raw block device.
// To save another sweep through containers, SELinux options are optionally collected too.
func GetPodVolumeNames(pod *v1.Pod, collectSELinuxOptions bool) (mounts sets.Set[string], devices sets.Set[string], seLinuxContainerContexts map[string][]*v1.SELinuxOptions) {}

// FsUserFrom returns FsUser of pod, which is determined by the runAsUser
// attributes.
func FsUserFrom(pod *v1.Pod) *int64 {}

// HasMountRefs checks if the given mountPath has mountRefs.
// TODO: this is a workaround for the unmount device issue caused by gci mounter.
// In GCI cluster, if gci mounter is used for mounting, the container started by mounter
// script will cause additional mounts created in the container. Since these mounts are
// irrelevant to the original mounts, they should be not considered when checking the
// mount references. The current solution is to filter out those mount paths that contain
// the k8s plugin suffix of original mount path.
func HasMountRefs(mountPath string, mountRefs []string) bool {}

// IsMultiAttachAllowed checks if attaching this volume to multiple nodes is definitely not allowed/possible.
// In its current form, this function can only reliably say for which volumes it's definitely forbidden. If it returns
// false, it is not guaranteed that multi-attach is actually supported by the volume type and we must rely on the
// attacher to fail fast in such cases.
// Please see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40669 and https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/40148#discussion_r98055047
func IsMultiAttachAllowed(volumeSpec *volume.Spec) bool {}

// IsAttachableVolume checks if the given volumeSpec is an attachable volume or not
func IsAttachableVolume(volumeSpec *volume.Spec, volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr) bool {}

// IsDeviceMountableVolume checks if the given volumeSpec is an device mountable volume or not
func IsDeviceMountableVolume(volumeSpec *volume.Spec, volumePluginMgr *volume.VolumePluginMgr) bool {}

// GetReliableMountRefs calls mounter.GetMountRefs and retries on IsInconsistentReadError.
// To be used in volume reconstruction of volume plugins that don't have any protection
// against mounting a single volume on multiple nodes (such as attach/detach).
func GetReliableMountRefs(mounter mount.Interface, mountPath string) ([]string, error) {}