
const ScopedVarName

const OldScopedVarName

type CompilationResult

type EnvLoader

// NewExpressionsEnvLoader creates an EnvLoader that always uses the NewExpressions environment type.
func NewExpressionsEnvLoader() EnvLoader {}

// StoredExpressionsEnvLoader creates an EnvLoader that always uses the StoredExpressions environment type.
func StoredExpressionsEnvLoader() EnvLoader {}

type alwaysNewEnvLoader

func (pe alwaysNewEnvLoader) RuleEnv(envSet *environment.EnvSet, _ string) *cel.Env {}

func (pe alwaysNewEnvLoader) MessageExpressionEnv(envSet *environment.EnvSet, _ string) *cel.Env {}

// Compile compiles all the XValidations rules (without recursing into the schema) and returns a slice containing a
// CompilationResult for each ValidationRule, or an error. declType is expected to be a CEL DeclType corresponding
// to the structural schema.
// Each CompilationResult may contain:
//   - non-nil Program, nil Error: The program was compiled successfully
//   - nil Program, non-nil Error: Compilation resulted in an error
//   - nil Program, nil Error: The provided rule was empty so compilation was not attempted
// perCallLimit was added for testing purpose only. Callers should always use const PerCallLimit from k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/cel/config.go as input.
// baseEnv is used as the base CEL environment, see common.BaseEnvironment.
func Compile(s *schema.Structural, declType *apiservercel.DeclType, perCallLimit uint64, baseEnvSet *environment.EnvSet, envLoader EnvLoader) ([]CompilationResult, error) {}

func prepareEnvSet(baseEnvSet *environment.EnvSet, declType *apiservercel.DeclType) (oldSelfEnvSet *environment.EnvSet, optionalOldSelfEnvSet *environment.EnvSet, err error) {}

func compileRule(s *schema.Structural, rule apiextensions.ValidationRule, envSet *environment.EnvSet, envLoader EnvLoader, estimator *library.CostEstimator, maxCardinality uint64, perCallLimit uint64) (compilationResult CompilationResult) {}

// generateUniqueSelfTypeName creates a placeholder type name to use in a CEL programs for cases
// where we do not wish to expose a stable type name to CEL validator rule authors. For this to effectively prevent
// developers from depending on the generated name (i.e. using it in CEL programs), it must be changed each time a
// CRD is created or updated.
func generateUniqueSelfTypeName() string {}

func newCostEstimator(root *apiservercel.DeclType) *library.CostEstimator {}

type sizeEstimator

func (c *sizeEstimator) EstimateSize(element checker.AstNode) *checker.SizeEstimate {}

func (c *sizeEstimator) EstimateCallCost(function, overloadID string, target *checker.AstNode, args []checker.AstNode) *checker.CallEstimate {}

// maxCardinality returns the maximum number of times data conforming to the minimum size given could possibly exist in
// an object serialized to JSON. For cases where a schema is contained under map or array schemas of unbounded
// size, this can be used as an estimate as the worst case number of times data matching the schema could be repeated.
// Note that this only assumes a single comma between data elements, so if the schema is contained under only maps,
// this estimates a higher cardinality that would be possible. DeclType.MinSerializedSize is meant to be passed to
// this function.
func maxCardinality(minSize int64) uint64 {}