
// ValidateDefaults checks that default values validate and are properly pruned.
// context is passed for supporting context cancellation during cel validation
func ValidateDefaults(ctx context.Context, pth *field.Path, s *structuralschema.Structural, isResourceRoot, requirePrunedDefaults bool) (field.ErrorList, error) {}

// validate is the recursive step func for the validation. insideMeta is true if s specifies
// TypeMeta or ObjectMeta. The SurroundingObjectFunc f is used to validate defaults of
// TypeMeta or ObjectMeta fields.
// context is passed for supporting context cancellation during cel validation
func validate(ctx context.Context, pth *field.Path, s *structuralschema.Structural, rootSchema *structuralschema.Structural, f SurroundingObjectFunc, insideMeta, requirePrunedDefaults bool, costBudget int64) (allErrs field.ErrorList, error error, remainingCost int64) {}