
const objectMetaSchemaRef

const listMetaSchemaRef

const typeMetaType

const objectMetaType

const definitionPrefix

const v3DefinitionPrefix

var swaggerPartialObjectMetadataDescriptions

var swaggerPartialObjectMetadataListDescriptions

var nameToken

var namespaceToken

// The path for definitions in OpenAPI v2 and v3 are different. Translate the path if necessary
// The provided schemaRef uses a v2 prefix and is converted to v3 if the v2 bool is false
func refForOpenAPIVersion(schemaRef string, v2 bool) string {}

var definitions

var definitionsV3

var buildDefinitions

var namer

type Options

func generateBuilder(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, version string, opts Options) (*builder, error) {}

func BuildOpenAPIV3(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, version string, opts Options) (*spec3.OpenAPI, error) {}

// BuildOpenAPIV2 builds OpenAPI v2 for the given crd in the given version
func BuildOpenAPIV2(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, version string, opts Options) (*spec.Swagger, error) {}

var _

type CRDCanonicalTypeNamer

// OpenAPICanonicalTypeName returns canonical type name for given CRD
func (c *CRDCanonicalTypeNamer) OpenAPICanonicalTypeName() string {}

type builder

// subresource is a handy method to get subresource name. Valid inputs are:
//	input                     output
//	""                        ""
//	"/"                       ""
//	"/{name}"                 ""
//	"/{name}/scale"           "scale"
//	"/{name}/scale/foo"       invalid input
func subresource(path string) string {}

func (b *builder) descriptionFor(path, operationVerb string) string {}

// buildRoute returns a RouteBuilder for WebService to consume and builds path in swagger
//	action can be one of: GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE;
//	verb can be one of: list, read, replace, patch, create, delete, deletecollection;
//	sample is the sample Go type for response type.
func (b *builder) buildRoute(root, path, httpMethod, actionVerb, operationVerb string, sample interface{}

// buildKubeNative builds input schema with Kubernetes' native object meta, type meta and
// extensions
func (b *builder) buildKubeNative(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, schema *structuralschema.Structural, opts Options, crdPreserveUnknownFields bool) (ret *spec.Schema) {}

func addEmbeddedProperties(s *spec.Schema, opts Options) {}

// getDefinition gets definition for given Kubernetes type. This function is extracted from
// kube-openapi builder logic
func getDefinition(name string, v2 bool) spec.Schema {}

func withDescription(s spec.Schema, desc string) spec.Schema {}

func generateBuildDefinitionsFunc() {}

// addTypeMetaProperties adds Kubernetes-specific type meta properties to input schema:
//	apiVersion and kind
func addTypeMetaProperties(s *spec.Schema, v2 bool) {}

// buildListSchema builds the list kind schema for the CRD
func (b *builder) buildListSchema(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, opts Options) *spec.Schema {}

// getOpenAPIConfig builds config which wires up generated definitions for kube-openapi to consume
func (b *builder) getOpenAPIConfig() *common.Config {}

func (b *builder) getOpenAPIV3Config() *common.OpenAPIV3Config {}

func newBuilder(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, version string, schema *structuralschema.Structural, opts Options) *builder {}

func buildSelectableFields(crd *apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, version string) any {}