
type InstallFunc

// RoundTripTestForAPIGroup is convenient to call from your install package to make sure that a "bare" install of your group provides
// enough information to round trip
func RoundTripTestForAPIGroup(t *testing.T, installFn InstallFunc, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {}

// RoundTripTestForScheme is convenient to call if you already have a scheme and want to make sure that its well-formed
func RoundTripTestForScheme(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {}

// RoundTripProtobufTestForAPIGroup is convenient to call from your install package to make sure that a "bare" install of your group provides
// enough information to round trip
func RoundTripProtobufTestForAPIGroup(t *testing.T, installFn InstallFunc, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {}

// RoundTripProtobufTestForScheme is convenient to call if you already have a scheme and want to make sure that its well-formed
func RoundTripProtobufTestForScheme(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {}

var FuzzIters

var globalNonRoundTrippableTypes

// GlobalNonRoundTrippableTypes returns the kinds that are effectively reserved across all GroupVersions.
// They don't roundtrip and thus can be excluded in any custom/downstream roundtrip tests
//	kinds := scheme.AllKnownTypes()
//	for gvk := range kinds {
//	    if roundtrip.GlobalNonRoundTrippableTypes().Has(gvk.Kind) {
//	        continue
//	    }
//	    t.Run(gvk.Group+"."+gvk.Version+"."+gvk.Kind, func(t *testing.T) {
//	        // roundtrip test
//	    })
//	}
func GlobalNonRoundTrippableTypes() sets.String {}

// RoundTripTypesWithoutProtobuf applies the round-trip test to all round-trippable Kinds
// in the scheme.  It will skip all the GroupVersionKinds in the skip list.
func RoundTripTypesWithoutProtobuf(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

func RoundTripTypes(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

func roundTripTypes(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {}

// RoundTripExternalTypes applies the round-trip test to all external round-trippable Kinds
// in the scheme.  It will skip all the GroupVersionKinds in the nonRoundTripExternalTypes list .
func RoundTripExternalTypes(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

// RoundTripExternalTypesWithoutProtobuf applies the round-trip test to all external round-trippable Kinds
// in the scheme.  It will skip all the GroupVersionKinds in the nonRoundTripExternalTypes list.
func RoundTripExternalTypesWithoutProtobuf(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

func RoundTripSpecificKindWithoutProtobuf(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

func RoundTripSpecificKind(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {}

func roundTripSpecificKind(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {}

// fuzzInternalObject fuzzes an arbitrary runtime object using the appropriate
// fuzzer registered with the apitesting package.
func fuzzInternalObject(t *testing.T, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, object runtime.Object) runtime.Object {}

func groupsFromScheme(scheme *runtime.Scheme) []string {}

func roundTripToAllExternalVersions(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, internalGVK schema.GroupVersionKind, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {}

func roundTripOfExternalType(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, externalGVK schema.GroupVersionKind, skipProtobuf bool) {}

// roundTrip applies a single round-trip test to the given runtime object
// using the given codec.  The round-trip test ensures that an object can be
// deep-copied, converted, marshaled and back without loss of data.
// For internal types this means
//	internal -> external -> json/protobuf -> external -> internal.
// For external types this means
//	external -> json/protobuf -> external.
func roundTrip(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codec runtime.Codec, object runtime.Object) {}

func internalAndExternalKind(scheme *runtime.Scheme, object runtime.Object) (bool, error) {}

// dataAsString returns the given byte array as a string; handles detecting
// protocol buffers.
func dataAsString(data []byte) string {}