
type ObjectMetaAccessor

type Object

type ListMetaAccessor

type Common

type ListInterface

type Type

var _

func (meta *ListMeta) GetResourceVersion() string        {}

func (meta *ListMeta) SetResourceVersion(version string) {}

func (meta *ListMeta) GetSelfLink() string               {}

func (meta *ListMeta) SetSelfLink(selfLink string)       {}

func (meta *ListMeta) GetContinue() string               {}

func (meta *ListMeta) SetContinue(c string)              {}

func (meta *ListMeta) GetRemainingItemCount() *int64     {}

func (meta *ListMeta) SetRemainingItemCount(c *int64)    {}

func (obj *TypeMeta) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind {}

// SetGroupVersionKind satisfies the ObjectKind interface for all objects that embed TypeMeta
func (obj *TypeMeta) SetGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) {}

// GroupVersionKind satisfies the ObjectKind interface for all objects that embed TypeMeta
func (obj *TypeMeta) GroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind {}

func (obj *ListMeta) GetListMeta() ListInterface {}

func (obj *ObjectMeta) GetObjectMeta() Object {}

// Namespace implements metav1.Object for any object with an ObjectMeta typed field. Allows
// fast, direct access to metadata fields for API objects.
func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetNamespace() string                {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetNamespace(namespace string)       {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetName() string                     {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetName(name string)                 {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetGenerateName() string             {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetGenerateName(generateName string) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetUID() types.UID                   {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetUID(uid types.UID)                {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetResourceVersion() string          {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetResourceVersion(version string)   {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetGeneration() int64                {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetGeneration(generation int64)      {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetSelfLink() string                 {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetSelfLink(selfLink string)         {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetCreationTimestamp() Time          {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetCreationTimestamp(creationTimestamp Time) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetDeletionTimestamp() *Time {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetDeletionTimestamp(deletionTimestamp *Time) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds() *int64 {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetDeletionGracePeriodSeconds(deletionGracePeriodSeconds *int64) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetLabels() map[string]string                 {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetLabels(labels map[string]string)           {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetAnnotations() map[string]string            {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetAnnotations(annotations map[string]string) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetFinalizers() []string                      {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetFinalizers(finalizers []string)            {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetOwnerReferences() []OwnerReference         {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetOwnerReferences(references []OwnerReference) {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) GetManagedFields() []ManagedFieldsEntry {}

func (meta *ObjectMeta) SetManagedFields(managedFields []ManagedFieldsEntry) {}