
type Time

// DeepCopyInto creates a deep-copy of the Time value.  The underlying time.Time
// type is effectively immutable in the time API, so it is safe to
// copy-by-assign, despite the presence of (unexported) Pointer fields.
func (t *Time) DeepCopyInto(out *Time) {}

// NewTime returns a wrapped instance of the provided time
func NewTime(time time.Time) Time {}

// Date returns the Time corresponding to the supplied parameters
// by wrapping time.Date.
func Date(year int, month time.Month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *time.Location) Time {}

// Now returns the current local time.
func Now() Time {}

// IsZero returns true if the value is nil or time is zero.
func (t *Time) IsZero() bool {}

// Before reports whether the time instant t is before u.
func (t *Time) Before(u *Time) bool {}

// Equal reports whether the time instant t is equal to u.
func (t *Time) Equal(u *Time) bool {}

// Unix returns the local time corresponding to the given Unix time
// by wrapping time.Unix.
func Unix(sec int64, nsec int64) Time {}

// Rfc3339Copy returns a copy of the Time at second-level precision.
func (t Time) Rfc3339Copy() Time {}

// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {}

func (t *Time) UnmarshalCBOR(b []byte) error {}

// UnmarshalQueryParameter converts from a URL query parameter value to an object
func (t *Time) UnmarshalQueryParameter(str string) error {}

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (t Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

func (t Time) MarshalCBOR() ([]byte, error) {}

// ToUnstructured implements the value.UnstructuredConverter interface.
func (t Time) ToUnstructured() interface{}

// OpenAPISchemaType is used by the kube-openapi generator when constructing
// the OpenAPI spec of this type.
// See: https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi/tree/master/pkg/generators
func (_ Time) OpenAPISchemaType() []string {}

// OpenAPISchemaFormat is used by the kube-openapi generator when constructing
// the OpenAPI spec of this type.
func (_ Time) OpenAPISchemaFormat() string {}

// MarshalQueryParameter converts to a URL query parameter value
func (t Time) MarshalQueryParameter() (string, error) {}