
var protoEncodingPrefix

type errNotMarshalable

func (e errNotMarshalable) Error() string {}

func (e errNotMarshalable) Status() metav1.Status {}

// IsNotMarshalable checks the type of error, returns a boolean true if error is not nil and not marshalable false otherwise
func IsNotMarshalable(err error) bool {}

// NewSerializer creates a Protobuf serializer that handles encoding versioned objects into the proper wire form. If a typer
// is passed, the encoded object will have group, version, and kind fields set. If typer is nil, the objects will be written
// as-is (any type info passed with the object will be used).
func NewSerializer(creater runtime.ObjectCreater, typer runtime.ObjectTyper) *Serializer {}

type Serializer

var _

var _

var _

const serializerIdentifier

// Decode attempts to convert the provided data into a protobuf message, extract the stored schema kind, apply the provided default
// gvk, and then load that data into an object matching the desired schema kind or the provided into. If into is *runtime.Unknown,
// the raw data will be extracted and no decoding will be performed. If into is not registered with the typer, then the object will
// be straight decoded using normal protobuf unmarshalling (the MarshalTo interface). If into is provided and the original data is
// not fully qualified with kind/version/group, the type of the into will be used to alter the returned gvk. On success or most
// errors, the method will return the calculated schema kind.
func (s *Serializer) Decode(originalData []byte, gvk *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {}

// EncodeWithAllocator writes an object to the provided writer.
// In addition, it allows for providing a memory allocator for efficient memory usage during object serialization.
func (s *Serializer) EncodeWithAllocator(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

// Encode serializes the provided object to the given writer.
func (s *Serializer) Encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error {}

func (s *Serializer) encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

func (s *Serializer) doEncode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

// Identifier implements runtime.Encoder interface.
func (s *Serializer) Identifier() runtime.Identifier {}

// RecognizesData implements the RecognizingDecoder interface.
func (s *Serializer) RecognizesData(data []byte) (bool, bool, error) {}

// copyKindDefaults defaults dst to the value in src if dst does not have a value set.
func copyKindDefaults(dst, src *schema.GroupVersionKind) {}

type bufferedMarshaller

type bufferedReverseMarshaller

// estimateUnknownSize returns the expected bytes consumed by a given runtime.Unknown
// object with a nil RawJSON struct and the expected size of the provided buffer. The
// returned size will not be correct if RawJSOn is set on unk.
func estimateUnknownSize(unk *runtime.Unknown, byteSize uint64) uint64 {}

// NewRawSerializer creates a Protobuf serializer that handles encoding versioned objects into the proper wire form. If typer
// is not nil, the object has the group, version, and kind fields set. This serializer does not provide type information for the
// encoded object, and thus is not self describing (callers must know what type is being described in order to decode).
// This encoding scheme is experimental, and is subject to change at any time.
func NewRawSerializer(creater runtime.ObjectCreater, typer runtime.ObjectTyper) *RawSerializer {}

type RawSerializer

var _

const rawSerializerIdentifier

// Decode attempts to convert the provided data into a protobuf message, extract the stored schema kind, apply the provided default
// gvk, and then load that data into an object matching the desired schema kind or the provided into. If into is *runtime.Unknown,
// the raw data will be extracted and no decoding will be performed. If into is not registered with the typer, then the object will
// be straight decoded using normal protobuf unmarshalling (the MarshalTo interface). If into is provided and the original data is
// not fully qualified with kind/version/group, the type of the into will be used to alter the returned gvk. On success or most
// errors, the method will return the calculated schema kind.
func (s *RawSerializer) Decode(originalData []byte, gvk *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {}

// unmarshalToObject is the common code between decode in the raw and normal serializer.
func unmarshalToObject(typer runtime.ObjectTyper, creater runtime.ObjectCreater, actual *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object, data []byte) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {}

// Encode serializes the provided object to the given writer. Overrides is ignored.
func (s *RawSerializer) Encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error {}

// EncodeWithAllocator writes an object to the provided writer.
// In addition, it allows for providing a memory allocator for efficient memory usage during object serialization.
func (s *RawSerializer) EncodeWithAllocator(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

func (s *RawSerializer) encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

func (s *RawSerializer) doEncode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

// Identifier implements runtime.Encoder interface.
func (s *RawSerializer) Identifier() runtime.Identifier {}

var LengthDelimitedFramer

type lengthDelimitedFramer

// NewFrameWriter implements stream framing for this serializer
func (lengthDelimitedFramer) NewFrameWriter(w io.Writer) io.Writer {}

// NewFrameReader implements stream framing for this serializer
func (lengthDelimitedFramer) NewFrameReader(r io.ReadCloser) io.ReadCloser {}