
// NewDefaultingCodecForScheme is a convenience method for callers that are using a scheme.
func NewDefaultingCodecForScheme(
	// TODO: I should be a scheme interface?
	scheme *runtime.Scheme,
	encoder runtime.Encoder,
	decoder runtime.Decoder,
	encodeVersion runtime.GroupVersioner,
	decodeVersion runtime.GroupVersioner,
) runtime.Codec {}

// NewCodec takes objects in their internal versions and converts them to external versions before
// serializing them. It assumes the serializer provided to it only deals with external versions.
// This class is also a serializer, but is generally used with a specific version.
func NewCodec(
	encoder runtime.Encoder,
	decoder runtime.Decoder,
	convertor runtime.ObjectConvertor,
	creater runtime.ObjectCreater,
	typer runtime.ObjectTyper,
	defaulter runtime.ObjectDefaulter,
	encodeVersion runtime.GroupVersioner,
	decodeVersion runtime.GroupVersioner,
	originalSchemeName string,
) runtime.Codec {}

type codec

var _

var identifiersMap

type codecIdentifier

// identifier computes Identifier of Encoder based on codec parameters.
func identifier(encodeGV runtime.GroupVersioner, encoder runtime.Encoder) runtime.Identifier {}

// Decode attempts a decode of the object, then tries to convert it to the internal version. If into is provided and the decoding is
// successful, the returned runtime.Object will be the value passed as into. Note that this may bypass conversion if you pass an
// into that matches the serialized version.
func (c *codec) Decode(data []byte, defaultGVK *schema.GroupVersionKind, into runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, *schema.GroupVersionKind, error) {}

// EncodeWithAllocator ensures the provided object is output in the appropriate group and version, invoking
// conversion if necessary. Unversioned objects (according to the ObjectTyper) are output as is.
// In addition, it allows for providing a memory allocator for efficient memory usage during object serialization.
func (c *codec) EncodeWithAllocator(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

// Encode ensures the provided object is output in the appropriate group and version, invoking
// conversion if necessary. Unversioned objects (according to the ObjectTyper) are output as is.
func (c *codec) Encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer) error {}

func (c *codec) encode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

func (c *codec) doEncode(obj runtime.Object, w io.Writer, memAlloc runtime.MemoryAllocator) error {}

// Identifier implements runtime.Encoder interface.
func (c *codec) Identifier() runtime.Identifier {}