
const WebSocketProtocolHeader

const ChannelWebSocketProtocol

const Base64ChannelWebSocketProtocol

type codecType

const rawCodec

const base64Codec

type ChannelType

const IgnoreChannel

const ReadChannel

const WriteChannel

const ReadWriteChannel

// IsWebSocketRequest returns true if the incoming request contains connection upgrade headers
// for WebSockets.
func IsWebSocketRequest(req *http.Request) bool {}

// IsWebSocketRequestWithStreamCloseProtocol returns true if the request contains headers
// identifying that it is requesting a websocket upgrade with a remotecommand protocol
// version that supports the "CLOSE" signal; false otherwise.
func IsWebSocketRequestWithStreamCloseProtocol(req *http.Request) bool {}

// IsWebSocketRequestWithTunnelingProtocol returns true if the request contains headers
// identifying that it is requesting a websocket upgrade with a tunneling protocol;
// false otherwise.
func IsWebSocketRequestWithTunnelingProtocol(req *http.Request) bool {}

// IgnoreReceives reads from a WebSocket until it is closed, then returns. If timeout is set, the
// read and write deadlines are pushed every time a new message is received.
func IgnoreReceives(ws *websocket.Conn, timeout time.Duration) {}

// handshake ensures the provided user protocol matches one of the allowed protocols. It returns
// no error if no protocol is specified.
func handshake(config *websocket.Config, req *http.Request, allowed []string) error {}

type ChannelProtocolConfig

// NewDefaultChannelProtocols returns a channel protocol map with the
// subprotocols "", "channel.k8s.io", "base64.channel.k8s.io" and the given
// channels.
func NewDefaultChannelProtocols(channels []ChannelType) map[string]ChannelProtocolConfig {}

type Conn

// NewConn creates a WebSocket connection that supports a set of channels. Channels begin each
// web socket message with a single byte indicating the channel number (0-N). 255 is reserved for
// future use. The channel types for each channel are passed as an array, supporting the different
// duplex modes. Read and Write refer to whether the channel can be used as a Reader or Writer.
// The protocols parameter maps subprotocol names to ChannelProtocols. The empty string subprotocol
// name is used if websocket.Config.Protocol is empty.
func NewConn(protocols map[string]ChannelProtocolConfig) *Conn {}

// SetIdleTimeout sets the interval for both reads and writes before timeout. If not specified,
// there is no timeout on the connection.
func (conn *Conn) SetIdleTimeout(duration time.Duration) {}

// SetWriteDeadline sets a timeout on writing to the websocket connection. The
// passed "duration" identifies how far into the future the write must complete
// by before the timeout fires.
func (conn *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(duration time.Duration) {}

// Open the connection and create channels for reading and writing. It returns
// the selected subprotocol, a slice of channels and an error.
func (conn *Conn) Open(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (string, []io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {}

func (conn *Conn) initialize(ws *websocket.Conn) {}

func (conn *Conn) handshake(config *websocket.Config, req *http.Request) error {}

func (conn *Conn) resetTimeout() {}

// closeNonThreadSafe cleans up by closing streams and the websocket
// connection *without* waiting for the "ready" channel.
func (conn *Conn) closeNonThreadSafe() error {}

// Close is only valid after Open has been called
func (conn *Conn) Close() error {}

// protocolSupportsStreamClose returns true if the passed protocol
// supports the stream close signal (currently only V5 remotecommand);
// false otherwise.
func protocolSupportsStreamClose(protocol string) bool {}

// protocolSupportsWebsocketTunneling returns true if the passed protocol
// is a tunneled Kubernetes spdy protocol; false otherwise.
func protocolSupportsWebsocketTunneling(protocol string) bool {}

// handle implements a websocket handler.
func (conn *Conn) handle(ws *websocket.Conn) {}

// write multiplexes the specified channel onto the websocket
func (conn *Conn) write(num byte, data []byte) (int, error) {}

type websocketChannel

// newWebsocketChannel creates a pipe for writing to a websocket. Do not write to this pipe
// prior to the connection being opened. It may be no, half, or full duplex depending on
// read and write.
func newWebsocketChannel(conn *Conn, num byte, read, write bool) *websocketChannel {}

func (p *websocketChannel) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {}

// DataFromSocket is invoked by the connection receiver to move data from the connection
// into a specific channel.
func (p *websocketChannel) DataFromSocket(data []byte) (int, error) {}

func (p *websocketChannel) Read(data []byte) (int, error) {}

func (p *websocketChannel) Close() error {}