
const binaryWebSocketProtocol

const base64BinaryWebSocketProtocol

type ReaderProtocolConfig

// NewDefaultReaderProtocols returns a stream protocol map with the
// subprotocols "", "channel.k8s.io", "base64.channel.k8s.io".
func NewDefaultReaderProtocols() map[string]ReaderProtocolConfig {}

type Reader

// NewReader creates a WebSocket pipe that will copy the contents of r to a provided
// WebSocket connection. If ping is true, a zero length message will be sent to the client
// before the stream begins reading.
// The protocols parameter maps subprotocol names to StreamProtocols. The empty string
// subprotocol name is used if websocket.Config.Protocol is empty.
func NewReader(r io.Reader, ping bool, protocols map[string]ReaderProtocolConfig) *Reader {}

// SetIdleTimeout sets the interval for both reads and writes before timeout. If not specified,
// there is no timeout on the reader.
func (r *Reader) SetIdleTimeout(duration time.Duration) {}

func (r *Reader) handshake(config *websocket.Config, req *http.Request) error {}

// Copy the reader to the response. The created WebSocket is closed after this
// method completes.
func (r *Reader) Copy(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {}

// handle implements a WebSocket handler.
func (r *Reader) handle(ws *websocket.Conn) {}

func resetTimeout(ws *websocket.Conn, timeout time.Duration) {}

func messageCopy(ws *websocket.Conn, r io.Reader, base64Encode, ping bool, timeout time.Duration) error {}