
type TypeConverter

type typeConverter

var _

func NewTypeConverter(openapiSpec map[string]*spec.Schema, preserveUnknownFields bool) (TypeConverter, error) {}

func (c *typeConverter) ObjectToTyped(obj runtime.Object, opts ...typed.ValidationOptions) (*typed.TypedValue, error) {}

func (c *typeConverter) TypedToObject(value *typed.TypedValue) (runtime.Object, error) {}

type deducedTypeConverter

// DeducedTypeConverter is a TypeConverter for CRDs that don't have a
// schema. It does implement the same interface though (and create the
// same types of objects), so that everything can still work the same.
// CRDs are merged with all their fields being "atomic" (lists
// included).
func NewDeducedTypeConverter() TypeConverter {}

// ObjectToTyped converts an object into a TypedValue with a "deduced type".
func (deducedTypeConverter) ObjectToTyped(obj runtime.Object, opts ...typed.ValidationOptions) (*typed.TypedValue, error) {}

// TypedToObject transforms the typed value into a runtime.Object. That
// is not specific to deduced type.
func (deducedTypeConverter) TypedToObject(value *typed.TypedValue) (runtime.Object, error) {}

func valueToObject(val value.Value) (runtime.Object, error) {}

func indexModels(
	typeParser *typed.Parser,
	openAPISchemas map[string]*spec.Schema,
) map[schema.GroupVersionKind]*typed.ParseableType {}

// Get and parse GroupVersionKind from the extension. Returns empty if it doesn't have one.
func parseGroupVersionKind(extensions map[string]interface{}