
type Error

var _

// Error implements the error interface.
func (v *Error) Error() string {}

type OmitValueType

var omitValue

// ErrorBody returns the error message without the field name.  This is useful
// for building nice-looking higher-level error reporting.
func (v *Error) ErrorBody() string {}

type ErrorType

const ErrorTypeNotFound

const ErrorTypeRequired

const ErrorTypeDuplicate

const ErrorTypeInvalid

const ErrorTypeNotSupported

const ErrorTypeForbidden

const ErrorTypeTooLong

const ErrorTypeTooMany

const ErrorTypeInternal

const ErrorTypeTypeInvalid

// String converts a ErrorType into its corresponding canonical error message.
func (t ErrorType) String() string {}

// TypeInvalid returns a *Error indicating "type is invalid"
func TypeInvalid(field *Path, value interface{}

// NotFound returns a *Error indicating "value not found".  This is
// used to report failure to find a requested value (e.g. looking up an ID).
func NotFound(field *Path, value interface{}

// Required returns a *Error indicating "value required".  This is used
// to report required values that are not provided (e.g. empty strings, null
// values, or empty arrays).
func Required(field *Path, detail string) *Error {}

// Duplicate returns a *Error indicating "duplicate value".  This is
// used to report collisions of values that must be unique (e.g. names or IDs).
func Duplicate(field *Path, value interface{}

// Invalid returns a *Error indicating "invalid value".  This is used
// to report malformed values (e.g. failed regex match, too long, out of bounds).
func Invalid(field *Path, value interface{}

// NotSupported returns a *Error indicating "unsupported value".
// This is used to report unknown values for enumerated fields (e.g. a list of
// valid values).
func NotSupported[T ~string](field *Path, value interface{}

// Forbidden returns a *Error indicating "forbidden".  This is used to
// report valid (as per formatting rules) values which would be accepted under
// some conditions, but which are not permitted by current conditions (e.g.
// security policy).
func Forbidden(field *Path, detail string) *Error {}

// TooLong returns a *Error indicating "too long".  This is used to
// report that the given value is too long.  This is similar to
// Invalid, but the returned error will not include the too-long
// value.
func TooLong(field *Path, value interface{}

// TooLongMaxLength returns a *Error indicating "too long".  This is used to
// report that the given value is too long.  This is similar to
// Invalid, but the returned error will not include the too-long
// value. If maxLength is negative, no max length will be included in the message.
func TooLongMaxLength(field *Path, value interface{}

// TooMany returns a *Error indicating "too many". This is used to
// report that a given list has too many items. This is similar to TooLong,
// but the returned error indicates quantity instead of length.
func TooMany(field *Path, actualQuantity, maxQuantity int) *Error {}

// InternalError returns a *Error indicating "internal error".  This is used
// to signal that an error was found that was not directly related to user
// input.  The err argument must be non-nil.
func InternalError(field *Path, err error) *Error {}

type ErrorList

// NewErrorTypeMatcher returns an errors.Matcher that returns true
// if the provided error is a Error and has the provided ErrorType.
func NewErrorTypeMatcher(t ErrorType) utilerrors.Matcher {}

// ToAggregate converts the ErrorList into an errors.Aggregate.
func (list ErrorList) ToAggregate() utilerrors.Aggregate {}

func fromAggregate(agg utilerrors.Aggregate) ErrorList {}

// Filter removes items from the ErrorList that match the provided fns.
func (list ErrorList) Filter(fns ...utilerrors.Matcher) ErrorList {}