
const ObjectVarName

const OldObjectVarName

const ParamsVarName

const RequestVarName

const NamespaceVarName

const AuthorizerVarName

const RequestResourceAuthorizerVarName

const VariableVarName

// BuildRequestType generates a DeclType for AdmissionRequest. This may be replaced with a utility that
// converts the native type definition to apiservercel.DeclType once such a utility becomes available.
// The 'uid' field is omitted since it is not needed for in-process admission review.
// The 'object' and 'oldObject' fields are omitted since they are exposed as root level CEL variables.
func BuildRequestType() *apiservercel.DeclType {}

// BuildNamespaceType generates a DeclType for Namespace.
// Certain nested fields in Namespace (e.g. managedFields, ownerReferences etc.) are omitted in the generated DeclType
// by design.
func BuildNamespaceType() *apiservercel.DeclType {}

type CompilationResult

type Compiler

type compiler

func NewCompiler(env *environment.EnvSet) Compiler {}

type variableDeclEnvs

// CompileCELExpression returns a compiled CEL expression.
// perCallLimit was added for testing purpose only. Callers should always use const PerCallLimit from k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/cel/config.go as input.
func (c compiler) CompileCELExpression(expressionAccessor ExpressionAccessor, options OptionalVariableDeclarations, envType environment.Type) CompilationResult {}

func mustBuildEnvs(baseEnv *environment.EnvSet) variableDeclEnvs {}