
type filterCompiler

func NewFilterCompiler(env *environment.EnvSet) FilterCompiler {}

type evaluationActivation

// ResolveName returns a value from the activation by qualified name, or false if the name
// could not be found.
func (a *evaluationActivation) ResolveName(name string) (interface{}

// Parent returns the parent of the current activation, may be nil.
// If non-nil, the parent will be searched during resolve calls.
func (a *evaluationActivation) Parent() interpreter.Activation {}

// Compile compiles the cel expressions defined in the ExpressionAccessors into a Filter
func (c *filterCompiler) Compile(expressionAccessors []ExpressionAccessor, options OptionalVariableDeclarations, mode environment.Type) Filter {}

type filter

func NewFilter(compilationResults []CompilationResult) Filter {}

func convertObjectToUnstructured(obj interface{}

func objectToResolveVal(r runtime.Object) (interface{}

// ForInput evaluates the compiled CEL expressions converting them into CELEvaluations
// errors per evaluation are returned on the Evaluation object
// runtimeCELCostBudget was added for testing purpose only. Callers should always use const RuntimeCELCostBudget from k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/cel/config.go as input.
func (f *filter) ForInput(ctx context.Context, versionedAttr *admission.VersionedAttributes, request *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest, inputs OptionalVariableBindings, namespace *v1.Namespace, runtimeCELCostBudget int64) ([]EvaluationResult, int64, error) {}

// TODO: to reuse https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/request/admissionreview.go#L154
func CreateAdmissionRequest(attr admission.Attributes, equivalentGVR metav1.GroupVersionResource, equivalentKind metav1.GroupVersionKind) *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest {}

// CreateNamespaceObject creates a Namespace object that is suitable for the CEL evaluation.
// If the namespace is nil, CreateNamespaceObject returns nil
func CreateNamespaceObject(namespace *v1.Namespace) *v1.Namespace {}

// CompilationErrors returns a list of all the errors from the compilation of the evaluator
func (e *filter) CompilationErrors() []error {}