
var clientCertificateExpirationHistogram

func init() {}

type UserConversion

type UserConversionFunc

// User implements x509.UserConversion
func (f UserConversionFunc) User(chain []*x509.Certificate) (*authenticator.Response, bool, error) {}

func columnSeparatedHex(d []byte) string {}

func certificateIdentifier(c *x509.Certificate) string {}

type VerifyOptionFunc

type Authenticator

// New returns a request.Authenticator that verifies client certificates using the provided
// VerifyOptions, and converts valid certificate chains into user.Info using the provided UserConversion
func New(opts x509.VerifyOptions, user UserConversion) *Authenticator {}

// NewDynamic returns a request.Authenticator that verifies client certificates using the provided
// VerifyOptionFunc (which may be dynamic), and converts valid certificate chains into user.Info using the provided UserConversion
func NewDynamic(verifyOptionsFn VerifyOptionFunc, user UserConversion) *Authenticator {}

// AuthenticateRequest authenticates the request using presented client certificates
func (a *Authenticator) AuthenticateRequest(req *http.Request) (*authenticator.Response, bool, error) {}

type Verifier

// NewVerifier create a request.Authenticator by verifying a client cert on the request, then delegating to the wrapped auth
func NewVerifier(opts x509.VerifyOptions, auth authenticator.Request, allowedCommonNames sets.String) authenticator.Request {}

// NewDynamicCAVerifier create a request.Authenticator by verifying a client cert on the request, then delegating to the wrapped auth
func NewDynamicCAVerifier(verifyOptionsFn VerifyOptionFunc, auth authenticator.Request, allowedCommonNames StringSliceProvider) authenticator.Request {}

// AuthenticateRequest verifies the presented client certificate, then delegates to the wrapped auth
func (a *Verifier) AuthenticateRequest(req *http.Request) (*authenticator.Response, bool, error) {}

func (a *Verifier) verifySubject(subject pkix.Name) error {}

// DefaultVerifyOptions returns VerifyOptions that use the system root certificates, current time,
// and requires certificates to be valid for client auth (x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth)
func DefaultVerifyOptions() x509.VerifyOptions {}

var CommonNameUserConversion