
type ObjectVal

// NewObjectVal creates an ObjectVal by its TypeRef and its fields.
func NewObjectVal(typeRef TypeRef, fields map[string]ref.Val) *ObjectVal {}

var _

var _

// ConvertToNative converts the object to map[string]any.
// All nested lists are converted into []any native type.
// It returns an error if the target type is not map[string]any,
// or any recursive conversion fails.
func (v *ObjectVal) ConvertToNative(typeDesc reflect.Type) (any, error) {}

// ConvertToType supports type conversions between CEL value types supported by the expression language.
func (v *ObjectVal) ConvertToType(typeValue ref.Type) ref.Val {}

// Equal returns true if the `other` value has the same type and content as the implementing struct.
func (v *ObjectVal) Equal(other ref.Val) ref.Val {}

// Type returns the TypeValue of the value.
func (v *ObjectVal) Type() ref.Type {}

// Value returns its value as a map[string]any.
func (v *ObjectVal) Value() any {}

// IsZeroValue indicates whether the object is the zero value for the type.
// For the ObjectVal, it is zero value if and only if the fields map is empty.
func (v *ObjectVal) IsZeroValue() bool {}

// convertField converts a referred ref.Val to its expected type.
// For objects, the expected type is map[string]any
// For lists, the expected type is []any
// For maps, the expected type is map[string]any
// For anything else, it is converted via value.Value()
// It will return an error if the request type is a map but the key
// is not a string.
func convertField(value ref.Val) (any, error) {}