
type ResultFunc

type result

// Return processes the result returned by a ResultFunc function
func (r *result) Return() (runtime.Object, error) {}

type PostTimeoutLoggerFunc

const postTimeoutLoggerWait

// FinishRequest makes a given ResultFunc asynchronous and handles errors returned by the response.
func FinishRequest(ctx context.Context, fn ResultFunc) (runtime.Object, error) {}

func finishRequest(ctx context.Context, fn ResultFunc, postTimeoutWait time.Duration, postTimeoutLogger PostTimeoutLoggerFunc) (runtime.Object, error) {}

// logPostTimeoutResult logs a panic or an error from the result that the sender (goroutine that is
// executing the ResultFunc function) has sent to the receiver after the request had timed out.
// timedOutAt is the time the request had been timed out
func logPostTimeoutResult(timedOutAt time.Time, r *result) {}