
type InformerForResourceFunc

// ListerFuncForResourceFunc knows how to provision a lister from an informer func.
// The lister returns errors until the informer has synced.
func ListerFuncForResourceFunc(f InformerForResourceFunc) quota.ListerForResourceFunc {}

// cachedHasSynced returns a function that calls hasSynced() until it returns true once, then returns true
func cachedHasSynced(hasSynced func() bool) func() bool {}

type protectedLister

func (p *protectedLister) List(selector labels.Selector) (ret []runtime.Object, err error) {}

func (p *protectedLister) Get(name string) (runtime.Object, error) {}

func (p *protectedLister) ByNamespace(namespace string) cache.GenericNamespaceLister {}

type protectedNamespaceLister

func (p *protectedNamespaceLister) List(selector labels.Selector) (ret []runtime.Object, err error) {}

func (p *protectedNamespaceLister) Get(name string) (runtime.Object, error) {}

// ListResourceUsingListerFunc returns a listing function based on the shared informer factory for the specified resource.
func ListResourceUsingListerFunc(l quota.ListerForResourceFunc, resource schema.GroupVersionResource) ListFuncByNamespace {}

// ObjectCountQuotaResourceNameFor returns the object count quota name for specified groupResource
func ObjectCountQuotaResourceNameFor(groupResource schema.GroupResource) corev1.ResourceName {}

type ListFuncByNamespace

type MatchesScopeFunc

type UsageFunc

type MatchingResourceNamesFunc

// MatchesNoScopeFunc returns false on all match checks
func MatchesNoScopeFunc(scope corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, object runtime.Object) (bool, error) {}

// Matches returns true if the quota matches the specified item.
func Matches(
	resourceQuota *corev1.ResourceQuota, item runtime.Object,
	matchFunc MatchingResourceNamesFunc, scopeFunc MatchesScopeFunc) (bool, error) {}

func getScopeSelectorsFromQuota(quota *corev1.ResourceQuota) []corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement {}

// CalculateUsageStats is a utility function that knows how to calculate aggregate usage.
func CalculateUsageStats(options quota.UsageStatsOptions,
	listFunc ListFuncByNamespace,
	scopeFunc MatchesScopeFunc,
	usageFunc UsageFunc) (quota.UsageStats, error) {}

type objectCountEvaluator

// Constraints returns an error if the configured resource name is not in the required set.
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) Constraints(required []corev1.ResourceName, item runtime.Object) error {}

// Handles returns true if the object count evaluator needs to track this attributes.
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) Handles(a admission.Attributes) bool {}

// Matches returns true if the evaluator matches the specified quota with the provided input item
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) Matches(resourceQuota *corev1.ResourceQuota, item runtime.Object) (bool, error) {}

// MatchingResources takes the input specified list of resources and returns the set of resources it matches.
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) MatchingResources(input []corev1.ResourceName) []corev1.ResourceName {}

// MatchingScopes takes the input specified list of scopes and input object. Returns the set of scopes resource matches.
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) MatchingScopes(item runtime.Object, scopes []corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement) ([]corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, error) {}

// UncoveredQuotaScopes takes the input matched scopes which are limited by configuration and the matched quota scopes.
// It returns the scopes which are in limited scopes but don't have a corresponding covering quota scope
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) UncoveredQuotaScopes(limitedScopes []corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, matchedQuotaScopes []corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement) ([]corev1.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, error) {}

// Usage returns the resource usage for the specified object
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) Usage(object runtime.Object) (corev1.ResourceList, error) {}

// GroupResource tracked by this evaluator
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) GroupResource() schema.GroupResource {}

// UsageStats calculates aggregate usage for the object.
func (o *objectCountEvaluator) UsageStats(options quota.UsageStatsOptions) (quota.UsageStats, error) {}

var _

// NewObjectCountEvaluator returns an evaluator that can perform generic
// object quota counting.  It allows an optional alias for backwards compatibility
// purposes for the legacy object counting names in quota.  Unless its supporting
// backward compatibility, alias should not be used.
func NewObjectCountEvaluator(
	groupResource schema.GroupResource, listFuncByNamespace ListFuncByNamespace,
	alias corev1.ResourceName) quota.Evaluator {}