
type Tester

func New(t *testing.T, storage rest.Storage) *Tester {}

func defaultNamer(i int) string {}

// Namer allows providing a custom name maker
// By default "foo%d" is used
func (t *Tester) Namer(namer func(int) string) *Tester {}

func (t *Tester) ClusterScope() *Tester {}

func (t *Tester) AllowCreateOnUpdate() *Tester {}

func (t *Tester) GeneratesName() *Tester {}

func (t *Tester) ReturnDeletedObject() *Tester {}

// TestNamespace returns the namespace that will be used when creating contexts.
// Returns NamespaceNone for cluster-scoped objects.
func (t *Tester) TestNamespace() string {}

// TestContext returns a namespaced context that will be used when making storage calls.
// Namespace is determined by TestNamespace()
func (t *Tester) TestContext() context.Context {}

func (t *Tester) getObjectMetaOrFail(obj runtime.Object) metav1.Object {}

func (t *Tester) setObjectMeta(obj runtime.Object, name string) {}

type AssignFunc

type EmitFunc

type GetFunc

type InitWatchFunc

type InjectErrFunc

type IsErrorFunc

type CreateFunc

type SetRVFunc

type UpdateFunc

// Test creating an object.
func (t *Tester) TestCreate(valid runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, invalid ...runtime.Object) {}

// Test updating an object.
func (t *Tester) TestUpdate(valid runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, updateFn UpdateFunc, invalidUpdateFn ...UpdateFunc) {}

// Test deleting an object.
func (t *Tester) TestDelete(valid runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, isNotFoundFn IsErrorFunc) {}

// Test gracefully deleting an object.
func (t *Tester) TestDeleteGraceful(valid runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

// Test getting object.
func (t *Tester) TestGet(valid runtime.Object) {}

// Test listing objects.
func (t *Tester) TestList(valid runtime.Object, assignFn AssignFunc) {}

// Test watching objects.
func (t *Tester) TestWatch(
	valid runtime.Object, emitFn EmitFunc,
	labelsPass, labelsFail []labels.Set, fieldsPass, fieldsFail []fields.Set, actions []string) {}

func (t *Tester) delete(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateAlreadyExisting(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateDryRun(obj runtime.Object, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateDryRunEquals(obj runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateEquals(obj runtime.Object, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateDiscardsObjectNamespace(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateGeneratesName(valid runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateHasMetadata(valid runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateIgnoresContextNamespace(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateIgnoresMismatchedNamespace(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateValidatesNames(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateInvokesValidation(opts metav1.CreateOptions, invalid ...runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateRejectsMismatchedNamespace(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testCreateResetsUserData(valid runtime.Object, opts metav1.CreateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateEquals(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, updateFn UpdateFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateFailsOnVersionTooOld(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateInvokesValidation(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, invalidUpdateFn ...UpdateFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateWithWrongUID(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateRetrievesOldObject(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdatePropagatesUpdatedObjectError(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateIgnoreGenerationUpdates(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateOnNotFound(obj runtime.Object, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testUpdateRejectsMismatchedNamespace(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteNoGraceful(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, isNotFoundFn IsErrorFunc, dryRun bool) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteNonExist(obj runtime.Object, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) {}

// This test the fast-fail path. We test that the precondition gets verified
// again before deleting the object in tests of pkg/storage/etcd.
func (t *Tester) testDeleteWithUID(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, isNotFoundFn IsErrorFunc, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) {}

// This test the fast-fail path. We test that the precondition gets verified
// again before deleting the object in tests of pkg/storage/etcd.
func (t *Tester) testDeleteWithResourceVersion(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, isNotFoundFn IsErrorFunc, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteDryRunGracefulHasdefault(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulHasDefault(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulWithValue(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulExtend(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulImmediate(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulUsesZeroOnNil(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

// Regression test for bug discussed in #27539
func (t *Tester) testDeleteGracefulShorten(obj runtime.Object, createFn CreateFunc, getFn GetFunc, expectedGrace int64) {}

// testGetDifferentNamespace ensures same-name objects in different namespaces do not clash
func (t *Tester) testGetDifferentNamespace(obj runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testGetFound(obj runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testGetMimatchedNamespace(obj runtime.Object) {}

func (t *Tester) testGetNotFound(obj runtime.Object) {}

func listToItems(listObj runtime.Object) ([]runtime.Object, error) {}

func (t *Tester) testListFound(obj runtime.Object, assignFn AssignFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testListMatchLabels(obj runtime.Object, assignFn AssignFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testListNotFound(assignFn AssignFunc) {}

// testListTableConversion verifies a set of known bounds and expected limitations for the values
// returned from a TableList. These conditions may be changed if necessary with adequate review.
func (t *Tester) testListTableConversion(obj runtime.Object, assignFn AssignFunc) {}

func (t *Tester) testWatchFields(obj runtime.Object, emitFn EmitFunc, fieldsPass, fieldsFail []fields.Set, actions []string) {}

func (t *Tester) testWatchLabels(obj runtime.Object, emitFn EmitFunc, labelsPass, labelsFail []labels.Set, actions []string) {}