
const keepaliveTime

const keepaliveTimeout

const dialTimeout

const dbMetricsMonitorJitter

var etcd3ClientLogger

func init() {}

// etcdClientDebugLevel translates ETCD_CLIENT_DEBUG into zap log level.
// NOTE(negz): This is a copy of a private etcd client function:
// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/v3.5.4/client/v3/logger.go#L47
func etcdClientDebugLevel() zapcore.Level {}

func newETCD3HealthCheck(c storagebackend.Config, stopCh <-chan struct{}

func newETCD3ReadyCheck(c storagebackend.Config, stopCh <-chan struct{}

type atomicLastError

func (a *atomicLastError) Store(err error, t time.Time) {}

func (a *atomicLastError) Load() error {}

func newETCD3Check(c storagebackend.Config, timeout time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}

func newETCD3ProberMonitor(c storagebackend.Config) (*etcd3ProberMonitor, error) {}

type etcd3ProberMonitor

func (t *etcd3ProberMonitor) Close() error {}

func (t *etcd3ProberMonitor) Probe(ctx context.Context) error {}

func (t *etcd3ProberMonitor) Monitor(ctx context.Context) (metrics.StorageMetrics, error) {}

var newETCD3Client

type runningCompactor

var compactorsMu

var compactors

var dbMetricsMonitorsMu

var dbMetricsMonitors

// startCompactorOnce start one compactor per transport. If the interval get smaller on repeated calls, the
// compactor is replaced. A destroy func is returned. If all destroy funcs with the same transport are called,
// the compactor is stopped.
func startCompactorOnce(c storagebackend.TransportConfig, interval time.Duration) (func(), error) {}

func newETCD3Storage(c storagebackend.ConfigForResource, newFunc, newListFunc func() runtime.Object, resourcePrefix string) (storage.Interface, DestroyFunc, error) {}

// startDBSizeMonitorPerEndpoint starts a loop to monitor etcd database size and update the
// corresponding metric etcd_db_total_size_in_bytes for each etcd server endpoint.
// Deprecated: Will be replaced with newETCD3ProberMonitor
func startDBSizeMonitorPerEndpoint(client *clientv3.Client, interval time.Duration) (func(), error) {}