
const namespace

const subsystem

const requestKind

const priorityLevel

const flowSchema

const phase

const LabelNamePhase

const LabelValueWaiting

const LabelValueExecuting

var queueLengthBuckets

var requestDurationSecondsBuckets

var registerMetrics

// Register all metrics.
func Register() {}

type resettable

// Reset all resettable metrics to zero
func Reset() {}

// GatherAndCompare the given metrics with the given Prometheus syntax expected value
func GatherAndCompare(expected string, metricNames ...string) error {}

type Registerables

// Append adds more
func (rs Registerables) Append(more ...compbasemetrics.Registerable) Registerables {}

var apiserverRejectedRequestsTotal

var apiserverDispatchedRequestsTotal

var PriorityLevelExecutionSeatsGaugeVec

var PriorityLevelConcurrencyGaugeVec

var readWriteConcurrencyGaugeVec

var apiserverCurrentR

var apiserverDispatchR

var apiserverLatestS

var apiserverNextSBounds

var apiserverNextDiscountedSBounds

var apiserverCurrentInqueueRequests

var apiserverCurrentInqueueSeats

var apiserverRequestQueueLength

var apiserverRequestConcurrencyLimit

var apiserverCurrentExecutingRequests

var apiserverCurrentExecutingSeats

var apiserverRequestConcurrencyInUse

var apiserverRequestWaitingSeconds

var apiserverRequestExecutionSeconds

var watchCountSamples

var apiserverEpochAdvances

var apiserverWorkEstimatedSeats

var apiserverDispatchWithNoAccommodation

var apiserverNominalConcurrencyLimits

var apiserverMinimumConcurrencyLimits

var apiserverMaximumConcurrencyLimits

var ApiserverSeatDemands

var apiserverSeatDemandHighWatermarks

var apiserverSeatDemandAverages

var apiserverSeatDemandStandardDeviations

var apiserverSeatDemandSmootheds

var apiserverSeatDemandTargets

var apiserverFairFracs

var apiserverCurrentConcurrencyLimits

var metrics

type indexOnce

func (io *indexOnce) getGauge() RatioedGauge {}

var waitingReadonly

var executingReadonly

var waitingMutating

var executingMutating

var GetWaitingReadonlyConcurrency

var GetExecutingReadonlyConcurrency

var GetWaitingMutatingConcurrency

var GetExecutingMutatingConcurrency

// AddRequestsInQueues adds the given delta to the gauge of the # of requests in the queues of the specified flowSchema and priorityLevel
func AddRequestsInQueues(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, delta int) {}

// AddSeatsInQueues adds the given delta to the gauge of the # of seats in the queues of the specified flowSchema and priorityLevel
func AddSeatsInQueues(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, delta int) {}

// AddRequestsExecuting adds the given delta to the gauge of executing requests of the given flowSchema and priorityLevel
func AddRequestsExecuting(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, delta int) {}

// SetCurrentR sets the current-R (virtualTime) gauge for the given priority level
func SetCurrentR(priorityLevel string, r float64) {}

// SetLatestS sets the latest-S (virtual time of dispatched request) gauge for the given priority level
func SetDispatchMetrics(priorityLevel string, r, s, sMin, sMax, discountedSMin, discountedSMax float64) {}

// AddSeatConcurrencyInUse adds the given delta to the gauge of seats in use by
// the currently executing requests of the given flowSchema and priorityLevel
func AddSeatConcurrencyInUse(priorityLevel, flowSchema string, delta int) {}

// AddReject increments the # of rejected requests for flow control
func AddReject(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema, reason string) {}

// AddDispatch increments the # of dispatched requests for flow control
func AddDispatch(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string) {}

// ObserveQueueLength observes the queue length for flow control
func ObserveQueueLength(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, length int) {}

// ObserveWaitingDuration observes the queue length for flow control
func ObserveWaitingDuration(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema, execute string, waitTime time.Duration) {}

// ObserveExecutionDuration observes the execution duration for flow control
func ObserveExecutionDuration(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, executionTime time.Duration) {}

// ObserveWatchCount notes a sampling of a watch count
func ObserveWatchCount(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel, flowSchema string, count int) {}

// AddEpochAdvance notes an advance of the progress meter baseline for a given priority level
func AddEpochAdvance(ctx context.Context, priorityLevel string, success bool) {}

// ObserveWorkEstimatedSeats notes a sampling of estimated seats associated with a request
func ObserveWorkEstimatedSeats(priorityLevel, flowSchema string, seats int) {}

// AddDispatchWithNoAccommodation keeps track of number of times dispatch attempt results
// in a non accommodation due to lack of available seats.
func AddDispatchWithNoAccommodation(priorityLevel, flowSchema string) {}

func SetPriorityLevelConfiguration(priorityLevel string, nominalCL, minCL, maxCL int) {}

func NotePriorityLevelConcurrencyAdjustment(priorityLevel string, seatDemandHWM, seatDemandAvg, seatDemandStdev, seatDemandSmoothed, seatDemandTarget float64, currentCL int) {}

func SetFairFrac(fairFrac float64) {}