
const ddtRangeCentiPeriods

const ddtOffsetCentiPeriods

const numIterations

var errMetricNotFound

func TestTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSimple(t *testing.T) {}

func TestTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSafeEarly(t *testing.T) {}

func TestTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSafeLate(t *testing.T) {}

// exerciseTimingRatioHistogram does a rough behavioral test of a
// RatioedObserver.  A fake clock is used, and the exercise consists
// of repeatedly changing that fake clock by an amount of time chosen
// uniformly at random from a range that goes from a little negative
// to somewhat more than two milliseconds.  The negative changes are
// included because small negative changes have been observed in real
// monotonic clock readings (see issue #96459) and we want to test
// that they are properly tolerated.  The designed toleration is to
// pretend that the clock did not change, until it resumes net forward
// progress.  The exercise checks that the count in the observer is
// correct at each step.  The observer is expected to get one
// observation at the end of each nanosecond.
func exerciseTimingRatioHistogram(t *testing.T, histogramName string, t0 time.Time, clk *testclock.FakePassiveClock, registry compbasemetrics.KubeRegistry, tro RatioedGauge) {}

/* getHistogramCount returns the count of the named histogram or an error (if any) */
func getHistogramCount(registry compbasemetrics.KubeRegistry, metricName string) (int64, error) {}

func BenchmarkTimingRatioHistogram(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSimple(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSafeEarly(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkTimingRatioHistogramVecElementSafeLate(b *testing.B) {}