
type WorkEstimate

// MaxSeats returns the maximum number of seats the request occupies over the
// phases of being served.
func (we *WorkEstimate) MaxSeats() int {}

type objectCountGetterFunc

type watchCountGetterFunc

type maxSeatsFunc

// NewWorkEstimator estimates the work that will be done by a given request,
// if no WorkEstimatorFunc matches the given request then the default
// work estimate of 1 seat is allocated to the request.
func NewWorkEstimator(objectCountFn objectCountGetterFunc, watchCountFn watchCountGetterFunc, config *WorkEstimatorConfig, maxSeatsFn maxSeatsFunc) WorkEstimatorFunc {}

type WorkEstimatorFunc

func (e WorkEstimatorFunc) EstimateWork(r *http.Request, flowSchemaName, priorityLevelName string) WorkEstimate {}

type workEstimator

func (e *workEstimator) estimate(r *http.Request, flowSchemaName, priorityLevelName string) WorkEstimate {}