
const PluginName

type BatchConfig

type bufferedBackend

var _

// NewBackend returns a buffered audit backend that wraps delegate backend.
// Buffered backend automatically runs and shuts down the delegate backend.
func NewBackend(delegate audit.Backend, config BatchConfig) audit.Backend {}

func (b *bufferedBackend) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}

// Shutdown blocks until stopCh passed to the Run method is closed and all
// events added prior to that moment are batched and sent to the delegate backend.
func (b *bufferedBackend) Shutdown() {}

// processIncomingEvents runs a loop that collects events from the buffer. When
// b.stopCh is closed, processIncomingEvents stops and closes the buffer.
func (b *bufferedBackend) processIncomingEvents(stopCh <-chan struct{}

// collectEvents attempts to collect some number of events in a batch.
// The following things can cause collectEvents to stop and return the list
// of events:
//   - Maximum number of events for a batch.
//   - Timer has passed.
//   - Buffer channel is closed and empty.
//   - stopCh is closed.
func (b *bufferedBackend) collectEvents(timer <-chan time.Time, stopCh <-chan struct{}

// processEvents process the batch events in a goroutine using delegateBackend's ProcessEvents.
func (b *bufferedBackend) processEvents(events []*auditinternal.Event) {}

func (b *bufferedBackend) ProcessEvents(ev ...*auditinternal.Event) bool {}

func (b *bufferedBackend) String() string {}