
const PluginName

const annotationKey

const annotationValue

type Config

type backend

var _

// NewBackend returns a new truncating backend, using configuration passed in the parameters.
// Truncate backend automatically runs and shut downs the delegate backend.
func NewBackend(delegateBackend audit.Backend, config Config, groupVersion schema.GroupVersion) audit.Backend {}

func (b *backend) ProcessEvents(events ...*auditinternal.Event) bool {}

// truncate removed request and response objects from the audit events,
// to try and keep at least metadata.
func truncate(e *auditinternal.Event) *auditinternal.Event {}

func (b *backend) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}

func (b *backend) Shutdown() {}

func (b *backend) calcSize(e *auditinternal.Event) (int64, error) {}

func (b *backend) String() string {}

type sizer

func (s *sizer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}