
const maxControlledAttrCacheSize

// DefaultRetryBackoff returns the default backoff parameters for webhook retry.
func DefaultRetryBackoff() *wait.Backoff {}

var _

type subjectAccessReviewer

type WebhookAuthorizer

// NewFromInterface creates a WebhookAuthorizer using the given subjectAccessReview client
func NewFromInterface(subjectAccessReview authorizationv1client.AuthorizationV1Interface, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL time.Duration, retryBackoff wait.Backoff, decisionOnError authorizer.Decision, metrics metrics.AuthorizerMetrics, compiler authorizationcel.Compiler) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {}

// New creates a new WebhookAuthorizer from the provided kubeconfig file.
// The config's cluster field is used to refer to the remote service, user refers to the returned authorizer.
//	# clusters refers to the remote service.
//	clusters:
//	- name: name-of-remote-authz-service
//	  cluster:
//	    certificate-authority: /path/to/ca.pem      # CA for verifying the remote service.
//	    server: https://authz.example.com/authorize # URL of remote service to query. Must use 'https'.
//	# users refers to the API server's webhook configuration.
//	users:
//	- name: name-of-api-server
//	  user:
//	    client-certificate: /path/to/cert.pem # cert for the webhook plugin to use
//	    client-key: /path/to/key.pem          # key matching the cert
// For additional HTTP configuration, refer to the kubeconfig documentation
// https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/kubeconfig-file/.
func New(config *rest.Config, version string, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL time.Duration, retryBackoff wait.Backoff, decisionOnError authorizer.Decision, matchConditions []apiserver.WebhookMatchCondition, name string, metrics metrics.AuthorizerMetrics, compiler authorizationcel.Compiler) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {}

// newWithBackoff allows tests to skip the sleep.
func newWithBackoff(subjectAccessReview subjectAccessReviewer, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL time.Duration, retryBackoff wait.Backoff, decisionOnError authorizer.Decision, matchConditions []apiserver.WebhookMatchCondition, am metrics.AuthorizerMetrics, compiler authorizationcel.Compiler, name string) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {}

// Authorize makes a REST request to the remote service describing the attempted action as a JSON
// serialized api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview object. An example request body is
// provided below.
//	{
//	  "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
//	  "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
//	  "spec": {
//	    "resourceAttributes": {
//	      "namespace": "kittensandponies",
//	      "verb": "GET",
//	      "group": "group3",
//	      "resource": "pods"
//	    },
//	    "user": "jane",
//	    "group": [
//	      "group1",
//	      "group2"
//	    ]
//	  }
//	}
// The remote service is expected to fill the SubjectAccessReviewStatus field to either allow or
// disallow access. A permissive response would return:
//	{
//	  "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
//	  "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
//	  "status": {
//	    "allowed": true
//	  }
//	}
// To disallow access, the remote service would return:
//	{
//	  "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
//	  "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
//	  "status": {
//	    "allowed": false,
//	    "reason": "user does not have read access to the namespace"
//	  }
//	}
// TODO(mikedanese): We should eventually support failing closed when we
// encounter an error. We are failing open now to preserve backwards compatible
// behavior.
func (w *WebhookAuthorizer) Authorize(ctx context.Context, attr authorizer.Attributes) (decision authorizer.Decision, reason string, err error) {}

func resourceAttributesFrom(attr authorizer.Attributes) *authorizationv1.ResourceAttributes {}

func fieldSelectorToAuthorizationAPI(attr authorizer.Attributes) ([]metav1.FieldSelectorRequirement, error) {}

func labelSelectorToAuthorizationAPI(attr authorizer.Attributes) ([]metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement, error) {}

// TODO: need to finish the method to get the rules when using webhook mode
func (w *WebhookAuthorizer) RulesFor(ctx context.Context, user user.Info, namespace string) ([]authorizer.ResourceRuleInfo, []authorizer.NonResourceRuleInfo, bool, error) {}

// Match is used to evaluate the SubjectAccessReviewSpec against
// the authorizer's matchConditions in the form of cel expressions
// to return match or no match found, which then is used to
// determine if the webhook should be skipped.
func (w *WebhookAuthorizer) match(ctx context.Context, r *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview) (bool, error) {}

func convertToSARExtra(extra map[string][]string) map[string]authorizationv1.ExtraValue {}

// subjectAccessReviewInterfaceFromConfig builds a client from the specified kubeconfig file,
// and returns a SubjectAccessReviewInterface that uses that client. Note that the client submits SubjectAccessReview
// requests to the exact path specified in the kubeconfig file, so arbitrary non-API servers can be targeted.
func subjectAccessReviewInterfaceFromConfig(config *rest.Config, version string, retryBackoff wait.Backoff) (subjectAccessReviewer, error) {}

type subjectAccessReviewV1Client

func (t *subjectAccessReviewV1Client) Create(ctx context.Context, subjectAccessReview *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, opts metav1.CreateOptions) (result *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, statusCode int, err error) {}

type subjectAccessReviewV1ClientGW

func (t *subjectAccessReviewV1ClientGW) Create(ctx context.Context, subjectAccessReview *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, _ metav1.CreateOptions) (*authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, int, error) {}

type subjectAccessReviewV1beta1ClientGW

func (t *subjectAccessReviewV1beta1ClientGW) Create(ctx context.Context, subjectAccessReview *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, _ metav1.CreateOptions) (*authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReview, int, error) {}

// shouldCache determines whether it is safe to cache the given request attributes. If the
// requester-controlled attributes are too large, this may be a DoS attempt, so we skip the cache.
func shouldCache(attr authorizer.Attributes) bool {}

func v1beta1StatusToV1Status(in *authorizationv1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus) authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus {}

func v1SpecToV1beta1Spec(in *authorizationv1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec) authorizationv1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewSpec {}

func v1ResourceAttributesToV1beta1ResourceAttributes(in *authorizationv1.ResourceAttributes) *authorizationv1beta1.ResourceAttributes {}

func v1NonResourceAttributesToV1beta1NonResourceAttributes(in *authorizationv1.NonResourceAttributes) *authorizationv1beta1.NonResourceAttributes {}

func v1ExtraToV1beta1Extra(in map[string]authorizationv1.ExtraValue) map[string]authorizationv1beta1.ExtraValue {}