
var labelValueAllowLists

var allowListLock

// ResetLabelValueAllowLists resets the allow lists for label values.
// NOTE: This should only be used in test.
func ResetLabelValueAllowLists() {}

type KubeOpts

// BuildFQName joins the given three name components by "_". Empty name
// components are ignored. If the name parameter itself is empty, an empty
// string is returned, no matter what. Metric implementations included in this
// library use this function internally to generate the fully-qualified metric
// name from the name component in their Opts. Users of the library will only
// need this function if they implement their own Metric or instantiate a Desc
// (with NewDesc) directly.
func BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, name string) string {}

type StabilityLevel


const ALPHA

const BETA

const STABLE

// setDefaults takes 'ALPHA' in case of empty.
func (sl *StabilityLevel) setDefaults() {}

type CounterOpts

// Modify help description on the metric description.
func (o *CounterOpts) markDeprecated() {}

// annotateStabilityLevel annotates help description on the metric description with the stability level
// of the metric
func (o *CounterOpts) annotateStabilityLevel() {}

// convenience function to allow easy transformation to the prometheus
// counterpart. This will do more once we have a proper label abstraction
func (o *CounterOpts) toPromCounterOpts() prometheus.CounterOpts {}

type GaugeOpts

// Modify help description on the metric description.
func (o *GaugeOpts) markDeprecated() {}

// annotateStabilityLevel annotates help description on the metric description with the stability level
// of the metric
func (o *GaugeOpts) annotateStabilityLevel() {}

// convenience function to allow easy transformation to the prometheus
// counterpart. This will do more once we have a proper label abstraction
func (o *GaugeOpts) toPromGaugeOpts() prometheus.GaugeOpts {}

type HistogramOpts

// Modify help description on the metric description.
func (o *HistogramOpts) markDeprecated() {}

// annotateStabilityLevel annotates help description on the metric description with the stability level
// of the metric
func (o *HistogramOpts) annotateStabilityLevel() {}

// convenience function to allow easy transformation to the prometheus
// counterpart. This will do more once we have a proper label abstraction
func (o *HistogramOpts) toPromHistogramOpts() prometheus.HistogramOpts {}

type TimingHistogramOpts

// Modify help description on the metric description.
func (o *TimingHistogramOpts) markDeprecated() {}

// annotateStabilityLevel annotates help description on the metric description with the stability level
// of the metric
func (o *TimingHistogramOpts) annotateStabilityLevel() {}

// convenience function to allow easy transformation to the prometheus
// counterpart. This will do more once we have a proper label abstraction
func (o *TimingHistogramOpts) toPromHistogramOpts() promext.TimingHistogramOpts {}

type SummaryOpts

// Modify help description on the metric description.
func (o *SummaryOpts) markDeprecated() {}

// annotateStabilityLevel annotates help description on the metric description with the stability level
// of the metric
func (o *SummaryOpts) annotateStabilityLevel() {}

var defObjectives

// convenience function to allow easy transformation to the prometheus
// counterpart. This will do more once we have a proper label abstraction
func (o *SummaryOpts) toPromSummaryOpts() prometheus.SummaryOpts {}

type MetricLabelAllowList

func (allowList *MetricLabelAllowList) ConstrainToAllowedList(labelNameList, labelValueList []string) {}

func (allowList *MetricLabelAllowList) ConstrainLabelMap(labels map[string]string) {}

func SetLabelAllowListFromCLI(allowListMapping map[string]string) {}

func SetLabelAllowListFromManifest(manifest string) {}