
type ConformanceData

var baseURL

var k8sPath

var confDoc

var version

var regexIneligibleTags

var conformanceCommentsLineWindow

var seenLines

type frame

func main() {}

func isConformance(spec *types.SpecReport) bool {}

func getTestInfo(spec *types.SpecReport) *ConformanceData {}

func getTestName(spec *types.SpecReport) string {}

func saveAllTestInfo(dataSet []*ConformanceData) {}

func getConformanceData(targetFrame frame) (*ConformanceData, error) {}

// scanFileForFrame will scan the target and look for a conformance comment attached to the function
// described by the target frame. If the comment can't be found then nil, nil is returned.
func scanFileForFrame(filename string, src interface{}

func validateTestName(s string) error {}

func tryCommentGroupAndFrame(fset *token.FileSet, cg *ast.CommentGroup, f frame) *ConformanceData {}

func shouldProcessCommentGroup(fset *token.FileSet, cg *ast.CommentGroup, f frame) bool {}

func commentToConformanceData(comment string) *ConformanceData {}