
const restartPollInterval

const restartTimeout

const numPods

const ADD

const DEL

const UPDATE

type RestartDaemonConfig

// NewRestartConfig creates a RestartDaemonConfig for the given node and daemon.
func NewRestartConfig(nodeName, daemonName string, healthzPort int, pollInterval, pollTimeout time.Duration, enableHTTPS bool) *RestartDaemonConfig {}

func (r *RestartDaemonConfig) String() string {}

// waitUp polls healthz of the daemon till it returns "ok" or the polling hits the pollTimeout
func (r *RestartDaemonConfig) waitUp(ctx context.Context) {}

// kill sends a SIGTERM to the daemon
func (r *RestartDaemonConfig) kill(ctx context.Context) {}

// Restart checks if the daemon is up, kills it, and waits till it comes back up
func (r *RestartDaemonConfig) restart(ctx context.Context) {}

type podTracker

func (p *podTracker) remember(pod *v1.Pod, eventType string) {}

func (p *podTracker) String() (msg string) {}

func newPodTracker() *podTracker {}

// replacePods replaces content of the store with the given pods.
func replacePods(pods []*v1.Pod, store cache.Store) {}

// getContainerRestarts returns the count of container restarts across all pods matching the given labelSelector,
// and a list of nodenames across which these containers restarted.
func getContainerRestarts(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, labelSelector labels.Selector) (int, []string) {}

var _