
const poll

const pollLongTimeout

const dRetryPeriod

const dRetryTimeout

var nilRs

var _

func failureTrap(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string) {}

func stopDeployment(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string) {}

func testDeleteDeployment(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func testRollingUpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func testRecreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// testDeploymentCleanUpPolicy tests that deployment supports cleanup policy
func testDeploymentCleanUpPolicy(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// testRolloverDeployment tests that deployment supports rollover.
// i.e. we can change desired state and kick off rolling update, then change desired state again before it finishes.
func testRolloverDeployment(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func ensureReplicas(rs *appsv1.ReplicaSet, replicas int32) {}

func randomScale(d *appsv1.Deployment, i int) {}

func testIterativeDeployments(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func testDeploymentsControllerRef(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// testProportionalScalingDeployment tests that when a RollingUpdate Deployment is scaled in the middle
// of a rollout (either in progress or paused), then the Deployment will balance additional replicas
// in existing active ReplicaSets (ReplicaSets with more than 0 replica) in order to mitigate risk.
func testProportionalScalingDeployment(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

func checkDeploymentReplicaSetsControllerRef(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, uid types.UID, label map[string]string) error {}

func waitDeploymentReplicaSetsOrphaned(c clientset.Interface, ns string, label map[string]string) func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {}

func listDeploymentReplicaSets(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, label map[string]string) *appsv1.ReplicaSetList {}

func orphanDeploymentReplicaSets(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, d *appsv1.Deployment) error {}

func testRollingUpdateDeploymentWithLocalTrafficLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}

// setAffinities set PodAntiAffinity across pods from the same generation
// of Deployment and if, explicitly requested, also affinity with pods
// from other generations.
// It is required to make those "Required" so that in large clusters where
// scheduler may not score all nodes if a lot of them are feasible, the
// test will also have a chance to pass.
func setAffinities(d *appsv1.Deployment, setAffinity bool) {}

// watchRecreateDeployment watches Recreate deployments and ensures no new pods will run at the same time with
// old pods.
func watchRecreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, d *appsv1.Deployment) error {}

// waitForDeploymentOldRSsNum waits for the deployment to clean up old rcs.
func waitForDeploymentOldRSsNum(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, desiredRSNum int) error {}

// waitForReplicaSetDesiredReplicas waits until the replicaset has desired number of replicas.
func waitForReplicaSetDesiredReplicas(ctx context.Context, rsClient appsclient.ReplicaSetsGetter, replicaSet *appsv1.ReplicaSet) error {}

// waitForReplicaSetTargetSpecReplicas waits for .spec.replicas of a RS to equal targetReplicaNum
func waitForReplicaSetTargetSpecReplicas(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, replicaSet *appsv1.ReplicaSet, targetReplicaNum int32) error {}

// checkDeploymentRevisionAndImage checks if the input deployment's and its new replica set's revision and image are as expected.
func checkDeploymentRevisionAndImage(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName, revision, image string) error {}

// waitForObservedDeployment waits for the specified deployment generation.
func waitForObservedDeployment(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, desiredGeneration int64) error {}

// waitForDeploymentWithCondition waits for the specified deployment condition.
func waitForDeploymentWithCondition(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName, reason string, condType appsv1.DeploymentConditionType) error {}

// waitForDeploymentCompleteAndCheckRolling waits for the deployment to complete, and check rolling update strategy isn't broken at any times.
// Rolling update strategy should not be broken during a rolling update.
func waitForDeploymentCompleteAndCheckRolling(c clientset.Interface, d *appsv1.Deployment) error {}

// waitForDeploymentUpdatedReplicasGTE waits for given deployment to be observed by the controller and has at least a number of updatedReplicas
func waitForDeploymentUpdatedReplicasGTE(c clientset.Interface, ns, deploymentName string, minUpdatedReplicas int32, desiredGeneration int64) error {}

// Deployment should have a working scale subresource
func testDeploymentSubresources(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) {}