
const zookeeperManifestPath

const mysqlGaleraManifestPath

const redisManifestPath

const cockroachDBManifestPath

const restartCluster

const readTimeout

const statefulSetPoll

const statefulSetTimeout

const statefulPodTimeout

const testFinalizer

var httpProbe

var _

func uncordonNode(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, oldData, newData []byte, nodeName string) {}

func kubectlExecWithRetries(ns string, args ...string) (out string) {}

type statefulPodTester

type clusterAppTester

func (c *clusterAppTester) run(ctx context.Context) {}

type zookeeperTester

func (z *zookeeperTester) name() string {}

func (z *zookeeperTester) deploy(ctx context.Context, ns string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {}

func (z *zookeeperTester) write(statefulPodIndex int, kv map[string]string) {}

func (z *zookeeperTester) read(statefulPodIndex int, key string) string {}

type mysqlGaleraTester

func (m *mysqlGaleraTester) name() string {}

func (m *mysqlGaleraTester) mysqlExec(cmd, ns, podName string) string {}

func (m *mysqlGaleraTester) deploy(ctx context.Context, ns string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {}

func (m *mysqlGaleraTester) write(statefulPodIndex int, kv map[string]string) {}

func (m *mysqlGaleraTester) read(statefulPodIndex int, key string) string {}

type redisTester

func (m *redisTester) name() string {}

func (m *redisTester) redisExec(cmd, ns, podName string) string {}

func (m *redisTester) deploy(ctx context.Context, ns string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {}

func (m *redisTester) write(statefulPodIndex int, kv map[string]string) {}

func (m *redisTester) read(statefulPodIndex int, key string) string {}

type cockroachDBTester

func (c *cockroachDBTester) name() string {}

func (c *cockroachDBTester) cockroachDBExec(cmd, ns, podName string) string {}

func (c *cockroachDBTester) deploy(ctx context.Context, ns string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {}

func (c *cockroachDBTester) write(statefulPodIndex int, kv map[string]string) {}

func (c *cockroachDBTester) read(statefulPodIndex int, key string) string {}

func lastLine(out string) string {}

func pollReadWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, statefulPod statefulPodTester, statefulPodNumber int, key, expectedVal string) error {}

// This function is used by two tests to test StatefulSet rollbacks: one using
// PVCs and one using no storage.
func rollbackTest(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ns string, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) {}

// This function is used canary updates and phased rolling updates of template modifications for partiton1 and delete pod-0
func deletingPodForRollingUpdatePartitionTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, c clientset.Interface, ns string, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) {}

// confirmStatefulPodCount asserts that the current number of Pods in ss is count, waiting up to timeout for ss to
// scale to count.
func confirmStatefulPodCount(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, count int, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet, timeout time.Duration, hard bool) {}

// setHTTPProbe sets the pod template's ReadinessProbe for Webserver StatefulSet containers.
// This probe can then be controlled with BreakHTTPProbe() and RestoreHTTPProbe().
// Note that this cannot be used together with PauseNewPods().
func setHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) {}

// breakHTTPProbe breaks the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in ss.
func breakHTTPProbe(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) error {}

// breakPodHTTPProbe breaks the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in one pod.
func breakPodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// restoreHTTPProbe restores the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in ss.
func restoreHTTPProbe(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) error {}

// restorePodHTTPProbe restores the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in pod.
func restorePodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// deleteStatefulPodAtIndex deletes the Pod with ordinal index in ss.
func deleteStatefulPodAtIndex(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, index int, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) {}

// getStatefulSetPodNameAtIndex gets formatted pod name given index.
func getStatefulSetPodNameAtIndex(index int, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet) string {}

type updateStatefulSetFunc

// updateStatefulSetWithRetries updates statefulset template with retries.
func updateStatefulSetWithRetries(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string, applyUpdate updateStatefulSetFunc) (statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet, err error) {}

// updatePVCWithRetries updates PVCs with retries.
func updatePVCWithRetries(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string, applyUpdate func(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)) (pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {}

// getStatefulSet gets the StatefulSet named name in namespace.
func getStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string) *appsv1.StatefulSet {}

// verifyStatefulSetPVCsExist confirms that exactly the PVCs for ss with the specified ids exist. This polls until the situation occurs, an error happens, or until timeout (in the latter case an error is also returned). Beware that this cannot tell if a PVC will be deleted at some point in the future, so if used to confirm that no PVCs are deleted, the caller should wait for some event giving the PVCs a reasonable chance to be deleted, before calling this function.
func verifyStatefulSetPVCsExist(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet, claimIds []int) error {}

// verifyStatefulSetPVCsExistWithOwnerRefs works as verifyStatefulSetPVCsExist, but also waits for the ownerRefs to match.
func verifyStatefulSetPVCsExistWithOwnerRefs(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, ss *appsv1.StatefulSet, claimIndicies []int, wantSetRef, wantPodRef bool) error {}

// expectPodNames compares the names of the pods from actualPods with expectedPodNames.
// actualPods can be in any list, since we'll sort by their ordinals and filter
// active ones. expectedPodNames should be ordered by statefulset ordinals.
func expectPodNames(actualPods *v1.PodList, expectedPodNames []string) error {}